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2023-12-18 13:12:25 +08:00
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define('element/locale/ku', ['module', 'exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(module, exports);
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod, mod.exports);
global.ELEMENT.lang = global.ELEMENT.lang || {};
global.ELEMENT.lang.ku = mod.exports;
})(this, function (module, exports) {
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = {
el: {
colorpicker: {
confirm: 'Temam',
clear: 'Paqij bike'
datepicker: {
now: 'Niha',
today: 'Îro',
cancel: 'Betal bike',
clear: 'Paqij bike',
confirm: 'Temam',
selectDate: 'Dîrokê bibijêre',
selectTime: 'Demê bibijêre',
startDate: 'Dîroka Destpêkê',
startTime: 'Dema Destpêkê',
endDate: 'Dîroka Dawî',
endTime: 'Dema Dawî',
prevYear: 'Sala Pêş',
nextYear: 'Sala Paş',
prevMonth: 'Meha Pêş',
nextMonth: 'Meha Paş',
year: 'Sal',
month1: 'Rêbendan',
month2: 'Reşemeh',
month3: 'Adar',
month4: 'Avrêl',
month5: 'Gulan',
month6: 'Pûşber',
month7: 'Tîrmeh',
month8: 'Gilavêj',
month9: 'Rezber',
month10: 'Kewçêr',
month11: 'Sarmawaz',
month12: 'Berfanbar',
// week: 'week',
weeks: {
sun: 'Yek',
mon: 'Duş',
tue: 'Sêş',
wed: 'Çar',
thu: 'Pên',
fri: 'În',
sat: 'Şem'
months: {
jan: 'Rêb',
feb: 'Reş',
mar: 'Ada',
apr: 'Avr',
may: 'Gul',
jun: 'Pûş',
jul: 'Tîr',
aug: 'Gil',
sep: 'Rez',
oct: 'Kew',
nov: 'Sar',
dec: 'Ber'
select: {
loading: 'Bardibe',
noMatch: 'Li hembere ve agahî tune',
noData: 'Agahî tune',
placeholder: 'Bibijêre'
cascader: {
noMatch: 'Li hembere ve agahî tune',
loading: 'Bardibe',
placeholder: 'Bibijêre',
noData: 'Agahî tune'
pagination: {
goto: 'Biçe',
pagesize: '/rupel',
total: 'Tevahî {total}',
pageClassifier: ''
messagebox: {
title: 'Peyam',
confirm: 'Temam',
cancel: 'Betal bike',
error: 'Beyana çewt'
upload: {
deleteTip: 'ji bo rake pêl "delete" bike',
delete: 'Rake',
preview: 'Pêşdîtin',
continue: 'Berdewam'
table: {
emptyText: 'Agahî tune',
confirmFilter: 'Piştrast bike',
resetFilter: 'Jê bibe',
clearFilter: 'Hemû',
sumText: 'Kom'
tree: {
emptyText: 'Agahî tune'
transfer: {
noMatch: 'Li hembere ve agahî tune',
noData: 'Agahî tune',
titles: ['Lîste 1', 'Lîste 2'],
filterPlaceholder: 'Binivîse',
noCheckedFormat: '{total} lib',
hasCheckedFormat: '{checked}/{total} bijartin'
image: {
error: 'FAILED' // to be translated
pageHeader: {
title: 'Back' // to be translated
popconfirm: {
confirmButtonText: 'Yes', // to be translated
cancelButtonText: 'No' // to be translated
module.exports = exports['default'];