PostHTML Render
Renders a PostHTML Tree to HTML/XML
npm i -D posthtml-render
> âšī¸ This module is also available for [bower](http://bower.io) and as an AMD, CommonJS and IIFE (global) module, uncompressed and compressed
### `NodeJS`
const render = require('posthtml-render')
const tree = []
const node = {}
node.tag = 'ul'
node.attrs = { class: 'list' }
node.content = [
].map((content) => ({ tag: 'li', content }))
const html = render(tree, options)
### `đ Browser`
|**[`singleTags`](#singletags)**|`{Array}`|`[]`|Specify custom single tags (self closing)|
|**[`closingSingleTag`](#closingSingleTag)**|`{String}`|[`>`](#default)|Specify the single tag closing format|
### `singleTags`
Specify custom single tags (self closing)
### `{String}`
const render = require('posthtml-render')
const tree = [ { tag: 'name' } ]
const options = { singleTags: [ 'name' ] }
const html = render(tree, options)
#### `{RegExp}`
const render = require('posthtml-render')
const tree = [ { tag: '%=title%' } ]
const options = { singleTags: [ '/^%.*%$/' ] }
const html = render(tree, options)
### `closingSingleTag`
Specify the single tag closing format
#### `Formats`
const render = require('posthtml-render')
const tree = [ { tag: 'img' } ]
##### `'tag'`
const html = render(tree, { closingSingleTag: 'tag' })
##### `'slash'`
const html = render(tree, { closingSingleTag: 'slash' })
##### `'default' (Default)`
const html = render(tree)
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