`libuvc` is a cross-platform library for USB video devices, built atop `libusb`. It enables fine-grained control over USB video devices exporting the standard USB Video Class (UVC) interface, enabling developers to write drivers for previously unsupported devices, or just access UVC devices in a generic fashion. ## Getting and Building libuvc Prerequisites: You will need `libusb` and [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) installed. To build, you can just run these shell commands: git clone https://github.com/libuvc/libuvc cd libuvc mkdir build cd build cmake .. make && sudo make install and you're set! If you want to change the build configuration, you can edit `CMakeCache.txt` in the build directory, or use a CMake GUI to make the desired changes. There is also `BUILD_EXAMPLE` and `BUILD_TEST` options to enable the compilation of `example` and `uvc_test` programs. To use them, replace the `cmake ..` command above with `cmake .. -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DBUILD_EXAMPLE=ON`. Then you can start them with `./example` and `./uvc_test` respectively. Note that you need OpenCV to build the later (for displaying image). ## Developing with libuvc The documentation for `libuvc` can currently be found at https://int80k.com/libuvc/doc/. Happy hacking!