## Usage 1. Hoverboard port can be set as a "port" parameter in the node namespace. Check `hoverboard.launch` and `4x4.launch` for examples of 2WD and 4WD configurations. 4WD config is purely for illustration on how to use several ports, but was **not** tested with two hoverboards. 2. `roslaunch hoverboard_driver hoverboard.launch` 3. Use any tool (keyboard_teleop, rqt) to send speed commands to `hoverboard_velocity_controller/cmd_vel`. In 4x4 configuration, if you want to control both axis with the same `cmd_vel`, you can apply remapping as following: ```xml ``` ## DISCLAIMER I bear **no responsibility** for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by using this project. Hoverboards are powerful and can be dangerous! Make sure you take all safety precautions!