GeBalanceBot/4.WHEELTEC B570 平衡小车源码(库函数精.../MiniBalance/CONTROL/control.c

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2024-01-14 19:28:00 +08:00
/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2024 GeekRebot *****************************
* File Name : control.c
* Current Version : V1.0 & ST 3.5.0
* Author : zhanli
* Date of Issued : 2024.01.06 zhanli: Create
* Comments :
#include "control.h"
* Function : EXTI15_10_IRQHandler
* Description : , 5msMPU6050INT
* Author : zhanli&
* Date : 2023/05/20 zhanli
int EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void)
static u8 Flag_Target; // 控制函数相关变量提供10ms基准
int Balance_Pwm, Velocity_Pwm; // 平衡环PWM变量速度环PWM变量
int Motor_Left, Motor_Right; // 电机PWM变量 应是Motor的 向Moto致敬
if (INT == 0)
EXTI->PR = 1 << 12; // 清除中断标志位
Flag_Target = !Flag_Target;
IMU_GetAngle(); // 更新姿态 5ms读取一次
Encoder_Left = -Read_Encoder(2); // 读取左轮编码器的值,前进为正,后退为负
Encoder_Right = -Read_Encoder(4); // 读取右轮编码器的值,前进为正,后退为负
// 左轮A相接TIM2_CH1,右轮A相接TIM4_CH2,故这里两个编码器的极性相同
if (Flag_Target == 1) // 实际上10ms控制一次
return 0;
// 扫描按键状态 单击可启停电机
// 平衡PID控制,Gyro_Balance平衡角速度极性前倾为正后倾为负
Balance_Pwm = Balance(Angle_Balance, Gyro_Balance);
// 速度环PID控制,记住,速度反馈是正反馈,就是小车快的时候要慢下来就需要再跑快一点
Velocity_Pwm = Velocity(Encoder_Left, Encoder_Right);
Motor_Left = Balance_Pwm + Velocity_Pwm; // 计算左轮电机最终PWM
Motor_Right = Balance_Pwm + Velocity_Pwm; // 计算右轮电机最终PWM
Motor_Left = Motor_PWMLimit(Motor_Left, 6900, -6900);
Motor_Right = Motor_PWMLimit(Motor_Right, 6900, -6900); // PWM限幅
if (Turn_Off(Angle_Balance) == 0) // 如果不存在异常
Motor_PWMSet(Motor_Left, Motor_Right); // 赋值给PWM寄存器
return 0;
* Function : Balance
* Description : PD
* Input : Angle:, Gyro:
* Author : zhanli&
* Date : 2023/05/20 zhanli
int Balance(float Angle, float Gyro)
// 直立环PD参数
float Balance_Kp = 225, Balance_Kd = 1.08;
float Angle_bias, Gyro_bias;
int balance;
// 求出平衡的角度中值 和机械相关
Angle_bias = Middle_angle - Angle;
Gyro_bias = 0 - Gyro;
// 计算平衡控制的电机PWM PD控制 kp是P系数 kd是D系数
balance = -Balance_Kp * Angle_bias - Gyro_bias * Balance_Kd;
return balance;
Function: Speed PI control
Input : encoder_leftLeft wheel encoder readingencoder_rightRight wheel encoder reading
Output : Speed control PWM
int Velocity(int encoder_left, int encoder_right)
float Velocity_Kp = 160, Velocity_Ki = 0.8; // 速度环PI参数
static float velocity, Encoder_Least, Encoder_bias;
static float Encoder_Integral;
// 速度PI控制器
Encoder_Least = 0 - (encoder_left + encoder_right); // 获取最新速度偏差==测量速度(左右编码器之和)-目标速度(此处为零)
Encoder_bias *= 0.8; // 一阶低通滤波器
Encoder_bias += Encoder_Least * 0.2; // 一阶低通滤波器
// 相当于上次偏差的0.8 + 本次偏差的0.2,减缓速度差值,减少对直立的干扰
Encoder_Integral += Encoder_bias; // 积分出位移 积分时间10ms
if (Encoder_Integral > 10000)
Encoder_Integral = 10000; // 积分限幅
if (Encoder_Integral < -10000)
Encoder_Integral = -10000; // 积分限幅
// 速度控制
velocity = -Encoder_bias * Velocity_Kp - Encoder_Integral * Velocity_Ki;
// 电机关闭后清除积分
if (Turn_Off(Angle_Balance) == 1 || Flag_Stop == 1)
Encoder_Integral = 0;
return velocity;
Function: Assign to PWM register
Input : motor_leftLeft wheel PWMmotor_rightRight wheel PWM
Output : none
void Motor_PWMSet(int motor_left, int motor_right)
if (motor_left > 0)
BIN1 = 1, BIN2 = 0; // 前进
BIN1 = 0, BIN2 = 1; // 后退
PWMB = myabs(motor_left);
if (motor_right > 0)
AIN2 = 1, AIN1 = 0; // 前进
AIN2 = 0, AIN1 = 1; // 后退
PWMA = myabs(motor_right);
Function: PWM limiting range
Input : INInput maxMaximum value minMinimum value
Output : Output
IN max min
int Motor_PWMLimit(int IN, int max, int min)
int OUT = IN;
if (OUT > max){
OUT = max;
if (OUT < min){
OUT = min;
return OUT;
Function: Press the key to modify the car running state
Input : none
Output : none
void Key(void)
u8 tmp;
tmp = click();
if (tmp == 1){
Flag_Stop = !Flag_Stop; // 单击控制小车的启停
Function: If abnormal, turn off the motor
Input : angleCar inclinationvoltageVoltage
Output : 1abnormal0normal
1 0
u8 Turn_Off(float angle)
u8 temp;
if (angle < -40 || angle > 40 || 1 == Flag_Stop) // 倾角大于40度关闭电机
{ // Flag_Stop置1关闭电机
temp = 1;
AIN1 = 0;
AIN2 = 0;
BIN1 = 0;
BIN2 = 0;
temp = 0;
return temp;
Function: Get angle
Input : wayThe algorithm of getting angle 1DMP 2kalman 3Complementary filtering
Output : none
void IMU_GetAngle(void)
Read_DMP(); // 读取加速度、角速度、倾角
Angle_Balance = Pitch; // 更新平衡倾角,前倾为正,后倾为负
Gyro_Balance = gyro[0]; // 更新平衡角速度,前倾为正,后倾为负
Function: Absolute value function
Input : aNumber to be converted
Output : unsigned int
int myabs(int a)
int temp;
if (a < 0)
temp = -a;
temp = a;
return temp;