GeekIMU/4.Software/GeekIMUDriver 1.1/Src/openvr_driver.h

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Raw Normal View History

2024-11-09 21:39:20 +08:00
#pragma once
// openvr_driver.h
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation ============//
// Dynamically generated file. Do not modify this file directly.
#include <stdint.h>
// vrtypes.h
namespace vr
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
// The 32-bit version of gcc has the alignment requirement for uint64 and double set to
// 4 meaning that even with #pragma pack(8) these types will only be four-byte aligned.
// The 64-bit version of gcc has the alignment requirement for these types set to
// 8 meaning that unless we use #pragma pack(4) our structures will get bigger.
// The 64-bit structure packing has to match the 32-bit structure packing for each platform.
#pragma pack( push, 4 )
#pragma pack( push, 8 )
typedef void* glSharedTextureHandle_t;
typedef int32_t glInt_t;
typedef uint32_t glUInt_t;
// right-handed system
// +y is up
// +x is to the right
// -z is going away from you
// Distance unit is meters
struct HmdMatrix34_t
float m[3][4];
struct HmdMatrix44_t
float m[4][4];
struct HmdVector3_t
float v[3];
struct HmdVector4_t
float v[4];
struct HmdVector3d_t
double v[3];
struct HmdVector2_t
float v[2];
struct HmdQuaternion_t
double w, x, y, z;
struct HmdColor_t
float r, g, b, a;
struct HmdQuad_t
HmdVector3_t vCorners[ 4 ];
struct HmdRect2_t
HmdVector2_t vTopLeft;
HmdVector2_t vBottomRight;
/** Used to return the post-distortion UVs for each color channel.
* UVs range from 0 to 1 with 0,0 in the upper left corner of the
* source render target. The 0,0 to 1,1 range covers a single eye. */
struct DistortionCoordinates_t
float rfRed[2];
float rfGreen[2];
float rfBlue[2];
enum EVREye
Eye_Left = 0,
Eye_Right = 1
enum EGraphicsAPIConvention
API_DirectX = 0, // Normalized Z goes from 0 at the viewer to 1 at the far clip plane
API_OpenGL = 1, // Normalized Z goes from 1 at the viewer to -1 at the far clip plane
enum EColorSpace
ColorSpace_Auto = 0, // Assumes 'gamma' for 8-bit per component formats, otherwise 'linear'. This mirrors the DXGI formats which have _SRGB variants.
ColorSpace_Gamma = 1, // Texture data can be displayed directly on the display without any conversion (a.k.a. display native format).
ColorSpace_Linear = 2, // Same as gamma but has been converted to a linear representation using DXGI's sRGB conversion algorithm.
struct Texture_t
void* handle; // Native d3d texture pointer or GL texture id.
EGraphicsAPIConvention eType;
EColorSpace eColorSpace;
enum ETrackingResult
TrackingResult_Uninitialized = 1,
TrackingResult_Calibrating_InProgress = 100,
TrackingResult_Calibrating_OutOfRange = 101,
TrackingResult_Running_OK = 200,
TrackingResult_Running_OutOfRange = 201,
static const uint32_t k_unTrackingStringSize = 32;
static const uint32_t k_unMaxDriverDebugResponseSize = 32768;
/** Used to pass device IDs to API calls */
typedef uint32_t TrackedDeviceIndex_t;
static const uint32_t k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd = 0;
static const uint32_t k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount = 16;
static const uint32_t k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/** Describes what kind of object is being tracked at a given ID */
enum ETrackedDeviceClass
TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid = 0, // the ID was not valid.
TrackedDeviceClass_HMD = 1, // Head-Mounted Displays
TrackedDeviceClass_Controller = 2, // Tracked controllers
TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference = 4, // Camera and base stations that serve as tracking reference points
TrackedDeviceClass_Other = 1000,
/** Describes what specific role associated with a tracked device */
enum ETrackedControllerRole
TrackedControllerRole_Invalid = 0, // Invalid value for controller type
TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand = 1, // Tracked device associated with the left hand
TrackedControllerRole_RightHand = 2, // Tracked device associated with the right hand
/** describes a single pose for a tracked object */
struct TrackedDevicePose_t
HmdMatrix34_t mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking;
HmdVector3_t vVelocity; // velocity in tracker space in m/s
HmdVector3_t vAngularVelocity; // angular velocity in radians/s (?)
ETrackingResult eTrackingResult;
bool bPoseIsValid;
// This indicates that there is a device connected for this spot in the pose array.
// It could go from true to false if the user unplugs the device.
bool bDeviceIsConnected;
/** Identifies which style of tracking origin the application wants to use
* for the poses it is requesting */
enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
TrackingUniverseSeated = 0, // Poses are provided relative to the seated zero pose
TrackingUniverseStanding = 1, // Poses are provided relative to the safe bounds configured by the user
TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. You probably don't want this one.
/** Each entry in this enum represents a property that can be retrieved about a
* tracked device. Many fields are only valid for one ETrackedDeviceClass. */
enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
// general properties that apply to all device classes
Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000,
Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001,
Prop_SerialNumber_String = 1002,
Prop_RenderModelName_String = 1003,
Prop_WillDriftInYaw_Bool = 1004,
Prop_ManufacturerName_String = 1005,
Prop_TrackingFirmwareVersion_String = 1006,
Prop_HardwareRevision_String = 1007,
Prop_AllWirelessDongleDescriptions_String = 1008,
Prop_ConnectedWirelessDongle_String = 1009,
Prop_DeviceIsWireless_Bool = 1010,
Prop_DeviceIsCharging_Bool = 1011,
Prop_DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float = 1012, // 0 is empty, 1 is full
Prop_StatusDisplayTransform_Matrix34 = 1013,
Prop_Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool = 1014,
Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool = 1015,
Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String = 1016,
Prop_HardwareRevision_Uint64 = 1017,
Prop_FirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 1018,
Prop_FPGAVersion_Uint64 = 1019,
Prop_VRCVersion_Uint64 = 1020,
Prop_RadioVersion_Uint64 = 1021,
Prop_DongleVersion_Uint64 = 1022,
Prop_BlockServerShutdown_Bool = 1023,
Prop_CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd_Bool = 1024,
Prop_ContainsProximitySensor_Bool = 1025,
Prop_DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool = 1026,
Prop_DeviceCanPowerOff_Bool = 1027,
Prop_Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String = 1028,
Prop_DeviceClass_Int32 = 1029,
Prop_HasCamera_Bool = 1030,
// Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_HMD
Prop_ReportsTimeSinceVSync_Bool = 2000,
Prop_SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float = 2001,
Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float = 2002,
Prop_UserIpdMeters_Float = 2003,
Prop_CurrentUniverseId_Uint64 = 2004,
Prop_PreviousUniverseId_Uint64 = 2005,
Prop_DisplayFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2006,
Prop_IsOnDesktop_Bool = 2007,
Prop_DisplayMCType_Int32 = 2008,
Prop_DisplayMCOffset_Float = 2009,
Prop_DisplayMCScale_Float = 2010,
Prop_EdidVendorID_Int32 = 2011,
Prop_DisplayMCImageLeft_String = 2012,
Prop_DisplayMCImageRight_String = 2013,
Prop_DisplayGCBlackClamp_Float = 2014,
Prop_EdidProductID_Int32 = 2015,
Prop_CameraToHeadTransform_Matrix34 = 2016,
Prop_DisplayGCType_Int32 = 2017,
Prop_DisplayGCOffset_Float = 2018,
Prop_DisplayGCScale_Float = 2019,
Prop_DisplayGCPrescale_Float = 2020,
Prop_DisplayGCImage_String = 2021,
Prop_LensCenterLeftU_Float = 2022,
Prop_LensCenterLeftV_Float = 2023,
Prop_LensCenterRightU_Float = 2024,
Prop_LensCenterRightV_Float = 2025,
Prop_UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters_Float = 2026,
Prop_CameraFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2027,
Prop_CameraFirmwareDescription_String = 2028,
Prop_DisplayFPGAVersion_Uint64 = 2029,
Prop_DisplayBootloaderVersion_Uint64 = 2030,
Prop_DisplayHardwareVersion_Uint64 = 2031,
Prop_AudioFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2032,
Prop_CameraCompatibilityMode_Int32 = 2033,
// Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_Controller
Prop_AttachedDeviceId_String = 3000,
Prop_SupportedButtons_Uint64 = 3001,
Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 = 3002, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType
Prop_Axis1Type_Int32 = 3003, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType
Prop_Axis2Type_Int32 = 3004, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType
Prop_Axis3Type_Int32 = 3005, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType
Prop_Axis4Type_Int32 = 3006, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType
// Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference
Prop_FieldOfViewLeftDegrees_Float = 4000,
Prop_FieldOfViewRightDegrees_Float = 4001,
Prop_FieldOfViewTopDegrees_Float = 4002,
Prop_FieldOfViewBottomDegrees_Float = 4003,
Prop_TrackingRangeMinimumMeters_Float = 4004,
Prop_TrackingRangeMaximumMeters_Float = 4005,
Prop_ModeLabel_String = 4006,
// Vendors are free to expose private debug data in this reserved region
Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 10999,
/** No string property will ever be longer than this length */
static const uint32_t k_unMaxPropertyStringSize = 32 * 1024;
/** Used to return errors that occur when reading properties. */
enum ETrackedPropertyError
TrackedProp_Success = 0,
TrackedProp_WrongDataType = 1,
TrackedProp_WrongDeviceClass = 2,
TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall = 3,
TrackedProp_UnknownProperty = 4,
TrackedProp_InvalidDevice = 5,
TrackedProp_CouldNotContactServer = 6,
TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7,
TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8,
TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9, // The property value isn't known yet, but is expected soon. Call again later.
/** Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the
* frame buffer. */
struct VRTextureBounds_t
float uMin, vMin;
float uMax, vMax;
/** Allows the applicaiton to control how scene textures are used by the compositor when calling Submit. */
enum EVRSubmitFlags
// Simple render path. App submits rendered left and right eye images with no lens distortion correction applied.
Submit_Default = 0x00,
// App submits final left and right eye images with lens distortion already applied (lens distortion makes the images appear
// barrel distorted with chromatic aberration correction applied). The app would have used the data returned by
// vr::IVRSystem::ComputeDistortion() to apply the correct distortion to the rendered images before calling Submit().
Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied = 0x01,
// If the texture pointer passed in is actually a renderbuffer (e.g. for MSAA in OpenGL) then set this flag.
Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 0x02
/** Status of the overall system or tracked objects */
enum EVRState
VRState_Undefined = -1,
VRState_Off = 0,
VRState_Searching = 1,
VRState_Searching_Alert = 2,
VRState_Ready = 3,
VRState_Ready_Alert = 4,
VRState_NotReady = 5,
/** The types of events that could be posted (and what the parameters mean for each event type) */
enum EVREventType
VREvent_None = 0,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceActivated = 100,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceDeactivated = 101,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceUpdated = 102,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionStarted = 103,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionEnded = 104,
VREvent_IpdChanged = 105,
VREvent_EnterStandbyMode = 106,
VREvent_LeaveStandbyMode = 107,
VREvent_TrackedDeviceRoleChanged = 108,
VREvent_ButtonPress = 200, // data is controller
VREvent_ButtonUnpress = 201, // data is controller
VREvent_ButtonTouch = 202, // data is controller
VREvent_ButtonUntouch = 203, // data is controller
VREvent_MouseMove = 300, // data is mouse
VREvent_MouseButtonDown = 301, // data is mouse
VREvent_MouseButtonUp = 302, // data is mouse
VREvent_FocusEnter = 303, // data is overlay
VREvent_FocusLeave = 304, // data is overlay
VREvent_Scroll = 305, // data is mouse
VREvent_TouchPadMove = 306, // data is mouse
VREvent_InputFocusCaptured = 400, // data is process
VREvent_InputFocusReleased = 401, // data is process
VREvent_SceneFocusLost = 402, // data is process
VREvent_SceneFocusGained = 403, // data is process
VREvent_SceneApplicationChanged = 404, // data is process - The App actually drawing the scene changed (usually to or from the compositor)
VREvent_SceneFocusChanged = 405, // data is process - New app got access to draw the scene
VREvent_HideRenderModels = 410, // Sent to the scene application to request hiding render models temporarily
VREvent_ShowRenderModels = 411, // Sent to the scene application to request restoring render model visibility
VREvent_OverlayShown = 500,
VREvent_OverlayHidden = 501,
VREvent_DashboardActivated = 502,
VREvent_DashboardDeactivated = 503,
VREvent_DashboardThumbSelected = 504, // Sent to the overlay manager - data is overlay
VREvent_DashboardRequested = 505, // Sent to the overlay manager - data is overlay
VREvent_ResetDashboard = 506, // Send to the overlay manager
VREvent_RenderToast = 507, // Send to the dashboard to render a toast - data is the notification ID
VREvent_ImageLoaded = 508, // Sent to overlays when a SetOverlayRaw or SetOverlayFromFile call finishes loading
VREvent_ShowKeyboard = 509, // Sent to keyboard renderer in the dashboard to invoke it
VREvent_HideKeyboard = 510, // Sent to keyboard renderer in the dashboard to hide it
VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusGained = 511, // Sent to an overlay when IVROverlay::SetFocusOverlay is called on it
VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusLost = 512, // Send to an overlay when it previously had focus and IVROverlay::SetFocusOverlay is called on something else
VREvent_OverlaySharedTextureChanged = 513,
VREvent_Notification_Shown = 600,
VREvent_Notification_Hidden = 601,
VREvent_Notification_BeginInteraction = 602,
VREvent_Notification_Destroyed = 603,
VREvent_Quit = 700, // data is process
VREvent_ProcessQuit = 701, // data is process
VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt = 702, // data is process
VREvent_QuitAcknowledged = 703, // data is process
VREvent_ChaperoneDataHasChanged = 800,
VREvent_ChaperoneUniverseHasChanged = 801,
VREvent_ChaperoneTempDataHasChanged = 802,
VREvent_ChaperoneSettingsHaveChanged = 803,
VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset = 804,
VREvent_BackgroundSettingHasChanged = 850,
VREvent_CameraSettingsHaveChanged = 851,
VREvent_StatusUpdate = 900,
VREvent_MCImageUpdated = 1000,
VREvent_FirmwareUpdateStarted = 1100,
VREvent_FirmwareUpdateFinished = 1101,
VREvent_KeyboardClosed = 1200,
VREvent_KeyboardCharInput = 1201,
VREvent_KeyboardDone = 1202, // Sent when DONE button clicked on keyboard
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionStarted = 1300,
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionAborted = 1301,
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppStarted = 1302,
VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowShown = 1400,
VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowHidden = 1401,
VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsShown = 1410,
VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsHidden = 1411,
VREvent_TrackedCamera_StartVideoStream = 1500,
VREvent_TrackedCamera_StopVideoStream = 1501,
VREvent_TrackedCamera_PauseVideoStream = 1502,
VREvent_TrackedCamera_ResumeVideoStream = 1503,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture = 1600,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602,
// Vendors are free to expose private events in this reserved region
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999,
/** Level of Hmd activity */
enum EDeviceActivityLevel
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Unknown = -1,
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle = 0,
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction = 1,
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction_Timeout = 2,
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Standby = 3,
/** VR controller button and axis IDs */
enum EVRButtonId
k_EButton_System = 0,
k_EButton_ApplicationMenu = 1,
k_EButton_Grip = 2,
k_EButton_DPad_Left = 3,
k_EButton_DPad_Up = 4,
k_EButton_DPad_Right = 5,
k_EButton_DPad_Down = 6,
k_EButton_A = 7,
k_EButton_Axis0 = 32,
k_EButton_Axis1 = 33,
k_EButton_Axis2 = 34,
k_EButton_Axis3 = 35,
k_EButton_Axis4 = 36,
// aliases for well known controllers
k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad = k_EButton_Axis0,
k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger = k_EButton_Axis1,
k_EButton_Dashboard_Back = k_EButton_Grip,
k_EButton_Max = 64
inline uint64_t ButtonMaskFromId( EVRButtonId id ) { return 1ull << id; }
/** used for controller button events */
struct VREvent_Controller_t
uint32_t button; // EVRButtonId enum
/** used for simulated mouse events in overlay space */
enum EVRMouseButton
VRMouseButton_Left = 0x0001,
VRMouseButton_Right = 0x0002,
VRMouseButton_Middle = 0x0004,
/** used for simulated mouse events in overlay space */
struct VREvent_Mouse_t
float x, y; // co-ords are in GL space, bottom left of the texture is 0,0
uint32_t button; // EVRMouseButton enum
/** used for simulated mouse wheel scroll in overlay space */
struct VREvent_Scroll_t
float xdelta, ydelta; // movement in fraction of the pad traversed since last delta, 1.0 for a full swipe
uint32_t repeatCount;
/** when in mouse input mode you can receive data from the touchpad, these events are only sent if the users finger
is on the touchpad (or just released from it)
struct VREvent_TouchPadMove_t
// true if the users finger is detected on the touch pad
bool bFingerDown;
// How long the finger has been down in seconds
float flSecondsFingerDown;
// These values indicate the starting finger position (so you can do some basic swipe stuff)
float fValueXFirst;
float fValueYFirst;
// This is the raw sampled coordinate without deadzoning
float fValueXRaw;
float fValueYRaw;
/** notification related events. Details will still change at this point */
struct VREvent_Notification_t
uint64_t ulUserValue;
uint32_t notificationId;
/** Used for events about processes */
struct VREvent_Process_t
uint32_t pid;
uint32_t oldPid;
bool bForced;
/** Used for a few events about overlays */
struct VREvent_Overlay_t
uint64_t overlayHandle;
/** Used for a few events about overlays */
struct VREvent_Status_t
uint32_t statusState; // EVRState enum
/** Used for keyboard events **/
struct VREvent_Keyboard_t
char cNewInput[8]; // Up to 11 bytes of new input
uint64_t uUserValue; // Possible flags about the new input
struct VREvent_Ipd_t
float ipdMeters;
struct VREvent_Chaperone_t
uint64_t m_nPreviousUniverse;
uint64_t m_nCurrentUniverse;
/** Not actually used for any events */
struct VREvent_Reserved_t
uint64_t reserved0;
uint64_t reserved1;
struct VREvent_PerformanceTest_t
uint32_t m_nFidelityLevel;
struct VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t
bool bResetBySystemMenu;
/** If you change this you must manually update */
typedef union
VREvent_Reserved_t reserved;
VREvent_Controller_t controller;
VREvent_Mouse_t mouse;
VREvent_Scroll_t scroll;
VREvent_Process_t process;
VREvent_Notification_t notification;
VREvent_Overlay_t overlay;
VREvent_Status_t status;
VREvent_Keyboard_t keyboard;
VREvent_Ipd_t ipd;
VREvent_Chaperone_t chaperone;
VREvent_PerformanceTest_t performanceTest;
VREvent_TouchPadMove_t touchPadMove;
VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t seatedZeroPoseReset;
} VREvent_Data_t;
/** An event posted by the server to all running applications */
struct VREvent_t
uint32_t eventType; // EVREventType enum
TrackedDeviceIndex_t trackedDeviceIndex;
float eventAgeSeconds;
// event data must be the end of the struct as its size is variable
VREvent_Data_t data;
/** The mesh to draw into the stencil (or depth) buffer to perform
* early stencil (or depth) kills of pixels that will never appear on the HMD.
* This mesh draws on all the pixels that will be hidden after distortion.
* If the HMD does not provide a visible area mesh pVertexData will be
* NULL and unTriangleCount will be 0. */
struct HiddenAreaMesh_t
const HmdVector2_t *pVertexData;
uint32_t unTriangleCount;
/** Identifies what kind of axis is on the controller at index n. Read this type
* with pVRSystem->Get( nControllerDeviceIndex, Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 + n );
enum EVRControllerAxisType
k_eControllerAxis_None = 0,
k_eControllerAxis_TrackPad = 1,
k_eControllerAxis_Joystick = 2,
k_eControllerAxis_Trigger = 3, // Analog trigger data is in the X axis
/** contains information about one axis on the controller */
struct VRControllerAxis_t
float x; // Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 for joysticks and track pads. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 for triggers were 0 is fully released.
float y; // Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 for joysticks and track pads. Is always 0.0 for triggers.
/** the number of axes in the controller state */
static const uint32_t k_unControllerStateAxisCount = 5;
/** Holds all the state of a controller at one moment in time. */
struct VRControllerState001_t
// If packet num matches that on your prior call, then the controller state hasn't been changed since
// your last call and there is no need to process it
uint32_t unPacketNum;
// bit flags for each of the buttons. Use ButtonMaskFromId to turn an ID into a mask
uint64_t ulButtonPressed;
uint64_t ulButtonTouched;
// Axis data for the controller's analog inputs
VRControllerAxis_t rAxis[ k_unControllerStateAxisCount ];
typedef VRControllerState001_t VRControllerState_t;
/** determines how to provide output to the application of various event processing functions. */
enum EVRControllerEventOutputType
ControllerEventOutput_OSEvents = 0,
ControllerEventOutput_VREvents = 1,
/** Collision Bounds Style */
enum ECollisionBoundsStyle
/** Allows the application to customize how the overlay appears in the compositor */
struct Compositor_OverlaySettings
uint32_t size; // sizeof(Compositor_OverlaySettings)
bool curved, antialias;
float scale, distance, alpha;
float uOffset, vOffset, uScale, vScale;
float gridDivs, gridWidth, gridScale;
HmdMatrix44_t transform;
/** used to refer to a single VR overlay */
typedef uint64_t VROverlayHandle_t;
static const VROverlayHandle_t k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid = 0;
/** Errors that can occur around VR overlays */
enum EVROverlayError
VROverlayError_None = 0,
VROverlayError_UnknownOverlay = 10,
VROverlayError_InvalidHandle = 11,
VROverlayError_PermissionDenied = 12,
VROverlayError_OverlayLimitExceeded = 13, // No more overlays could be created because the maximum number already exist
VROverlayError_WrongVisibilityType = 14,
VROverlayError_KeyTooLong = 15,
VROverlayError_NameTooLong = 16,
VROverlayError_KeyInUse = 17,
VROverlayError_WrongTransformType = 18,
VROverlayError_InvalidTrackedDevice = 19,
VROverlayError_InvalidParameter = 20,
VROverlayError_ThumbnailCantBeDestroyed = 21,
VROverlayError_ArrayTooSmall = 22,
VROverlayError_RequestFailed = 23,
VROverlayError_InvalidTexture = 24,
VROverlayError_UnableToLoadFile = 25,
VROVerlayError_KeyboardAlreadyInUse = 26,
VROverlayError_NoNeighbor = 27,
/** enum values to pass in to VR_Init to identify whether the application will
* draw a 3D scene. */
enum EVRApplicationType
VRApplication_Other = 0, // Some other kind of application that isn't covered by the other entries
VRApplication_Scene = 1, // Application will submit 3D frames
VRApplication_Overlay = 2, // Application only interacts with overlays
VRApplication_Background = 3, // Application should not start SteamVR if it's not already running, and should not
// keep it running if everything else quits.
VRApplication_Utility = 4, // Init should not try to load any drivers. The application needs access to utility
// interfaces (like IVRSettings and IVRApplications) but not hardware.
/** error codes for firmware */
enum EVRFirmwareError
VRFirmwareError_None = 0,
VRFirmwareError_Success = 1,
VRFirmwareError_Fail = 2,
/** error codes for notifications */
enum EVRNotificationError
VRNotificationError_OK = 0,
VRNotificationError_InvalidNotificationId = 100,
VRNotificationError_NotificationQueueFull = 101,
VRNotificationError_InvalidOverlayHandle = 102,
/** error codes returned by Vr_Init */
// Please add adequate error description to
enum EVRInitError
VRInitError_None = 0,
VRInitError_Unknown = 1,
VRInitError_Init_InstallationNotFound = 100,
VRInitError_Init_InstallationCorrupt = 101,
VRInitError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound = 102,
VRInitError_Init_FileNotFound = 103,
VRInitError_Init_FactoryNotFound = 104,
VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound = 105,
VRInitError_Init_InvalidInterface = 106,
VRInitError_Init_UserConfigDirectoryInvalid = 107,
VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound = 108,
VRInitError_Init_NotInitialized = 109,
VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotFound = 110,
VRInitError_Init_NoConfigPath = 111,
VRInitError_Init_NoLogPath = 112,
VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotWritable = 113,
VRInitError_Init_AppInfoInitFailed = 114,
VRInitError_Init_Retry = 115, // Used internally to cause retries to vrserver
VRInitError_Init_InitCanceledByUser = 116, // The calling application should silently exit. The user canceled app startup
VRInitError_Init_AnotherAppLaunching = 117,
VRInitError_Init_SettingsInitFailed = 118,
VRInitError_Init_ShuttingDown = 119,
VRInitError_Init_TooManyObjects = 120,
VRInitError_Init_NoServerForBackgroundApp = 121,
VRInitError_Init_NotSupportedWithCompositor = 122,
VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToUtilityApps = 123,
VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200,
VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201,
VRInitError_Driver_HmdUnknown = 202,
VRInitError_Driver_NotLoaded = 203,
VRInitError_Driver_RuntimeOutOfDate = 204,
VRInitError_Driver_HmdInUse = 205,
VRInitError_Driver_NotCalibrated = 206,
VRInitError_Driver_CalibrationInvalid = 207,
VRInitError_Driver_HmdDisplayNotFound = 208,
VRInitError_IPC_ServerInitFailed = 300,
VRInitError_IPC_ConnectFailed = 301,
VRInitError_IPC_SharedStateInitFailed = 302,
VRInitError_IPC_CompositorInitFailed = 303,
VRInitError_IPC_MutexInitFailed = 304,
VRInitError_IPC_Failed = 305,
VRInitError_Compositor_Failed = 400,
VRInitError_Compositor_D3D11HardwareRequired = 401,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_UnableToConnectToOculusRuntime = 1000,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_CantOpenDevice = 1101,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToRequestConfigStart = 1102,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_NoStoredConfig = 1103,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigTooBig = 1104,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigTooSmall = 1105,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToInitZLib = 1106,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_CantReadFirmwareVersion = 1107,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToSendUserDataStart = 1108,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToGetUserDataStart = 1109,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToGetUserDataNext = 1110,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UserDataAddressRange = 1111,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UserDataError = 1112,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigFailedSanityCheck = 1113,
VRInitError_Steam_SteamInstallationNotFound = 2000,
#pragma pack( pop )
// figure out how to import from the VR API dll
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __declspec( dllimport )
#elif defined(GNUC) || defined(COMPILER_GCC) || defined(__APPLE__)
#define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define VR_INTERFACE extern "C"
#error "Unsupported Platform."
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#define VR_CALLTYPE __cdecl
// vrtrackedcameratypes.h
namespace vr
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
// The 32-bit version of gcc has the alignment requirement for uint64 and double set to
// 4 meaning that even with #pragma pack(8) these types will only be four-byte aligned.
// The 64-bit version of gcc has the alignment requirement for these types set to
// 8 meaning that unless we use #pragma pack(4) our structures will get bigger.
// The 64-bit structure packing has to match the 32-bit structure packing for each platform.
#pragma pack( push, 4 )
#pragma pack( push, 8 )
enum ECameraVideoStreamFormat
CVS_FORMAT_RAW10 = 1, // 10 bits per pixel
CVS_FORMAT_NV12 = 2, // 12 bits per pixel
CVS_FORMAT_RGB24 = 3, // 24 bits per pixel
enum ECameraCompatibilityMode
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( x ) __declspec( align( x ) )
#define VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( x ) //
VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( 8 ) struct CameraVideoStreamFrame_t
ECameraVideoStreamFormat m_nStreamFormat;
uint32_t m_nWidth;
uint32_t m_nHeight;
uint32_t m_nImageDataSize; // Based on stream format, width, height
uint32_t m_nFrameSequence; // Starts from 0 when stream starts.
uint32_t m_nBufferIndex; // Identifies which buffer the image data is hosted
uint32_t m_nBufferCount; // Total number of configured buffers
uint32_t m_nExposureTime;
uint32_t m_nISPFrameTimeStamp; // Driver provided time stamp per driver centric time base
uint32_t m_nISPReferenceTimeStamp;
uint32_t m_nSyncCounter;
uint32_t m_nCamSyncEvents;
double m_flReferenceCamSyncTime;
double m_flFrameElapsedTime; // Starts from 0 when stream starts. In seconds.
double m_flFrameDeliveryRate;
double m_flFrameCaptureTime_DriverAbsolute; // In USB time, via AuxEvent
double m_flFrameCaptureTime_ServerRelative; // In System time within the server
uint64_t m_nFrameCaptureTicks_ServerAbsolute; // In system ticks within the server
double m_flFrameCaptureTime_ClientRelative; // At the client, relative to when the frame was exposed/captured.
bool m_bPoseIsValid; // Supplied by HMD layer when used as a tracked camera
vr::HmdMatrix34_t m_matDeviceToAbsoluteTracking;
float m_Pad[4];
void *m_pImageData;
#pragma pack( pop )
// ivrsettings.h
namespace vr
enum EVRSettingsError
VRSettingsError_None = 0,
VRSettingsError_IPCFailed = 1,
VRSettingsError_WriteFailed = 2,
VRSettingsError_ReadFailed = 3,
// The maximum length of a settings key
static const uint32_t k_unMaxSettingsKeyLength = 128;
class IVRSettings
virtual const char *GetSettingsErrorNameFromEnum( EVRSettingsError eError ) = 0;
// Returns true if file sync occurred (force or settings dirty)
virtual bool Sync( bool bForce = false, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual bool GetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, bool bDefaultValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void SetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, bool bValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual int32_t GetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, int32_t nDefaultValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void SetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, int32_t nValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual float GetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, float flDefaultValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void SetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, float flValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void GetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, char *pchValue, uint32_t unValueLen, const char *pchDefaultValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void SetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, const char *pchValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveSection( const char *pchSection, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveKeyInSection( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0;
// steamvr keys
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Section = "steamvr";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RequireHmd_String = "requireHmd";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedDriverKey_String = "forcedDriver";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedHmdKey_String = "forcedHmd";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebug_Bool = "displayDebug";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DebugProcessPipe_String = "debugProcessPipe";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableDistortion_Bool = "enableDistortion";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebugX_Int32 = "displayDebugX";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebugY_Int32 = "displayDebugY";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SendSystemButtonToAllApps_Bool= "sendSystemButtonToAllApps";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_LogLevel_Int32 = "loglevel";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_IPD_Float = "ipd";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Background_String = "background";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_GridColor_String = "gridColor";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PlayAreaColor_String = "playAreaColor";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ActivateMultipleDrivers_Bool = "activateMultipleDrivers";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PowerOffOnExit_Bool = "powerOffOnExit";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StandbyAppRunningTimeout_Float = "standbyAppRunningTimeout";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StandbyNoAppTimeout_Float = "standbyNoAppTimeout";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DirectMode_Bool = "directMode";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DirectModeEdidVid_Int32 = "directModeEdidVid";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DirectModeEdidPid_Int32 = "directModeEdidPid";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_UsingSpeakers_Bool = "usingSpeakers";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SpeakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees_Float = "speakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BaseStationPowerManagement_Bool = "basestationPowerManagement";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_NeverKillProcesses_Bool = "neverKillProcesses";
// lighthouse keys
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_Section = "driver_lighthouse";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisableIMU_Bool = "disableimu";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_UseDisambiguation_String = "usedisambiguation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisambiguationDebug_Int32 = "disambiguationdebug";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PrimaryBasestation_Int32 = "primarybasestation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_LighthouseName_String = "lighthousename";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_MaxIncidenceAngleDegrees_Float = "maxincidenceangledegrees";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_UseLighthouseDirect_Bool = "uselighthousedirect";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DBHistory_Bool = "dbhistory";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_OriginOffsetX_Float = "originoffsetx";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_OriginOffsetY_Float = "originoffsety";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_OriginOffsetZ_Float = "originoffsetz";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_HeadingOffset_Float = "headingoffset";
// null keys
static const char * const k_pch_Null_Section = "driver_null";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_EnableNullDriver_Bool = "enable";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_SerialNumber_String = "serialNumber";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_ModelNumber_String = "modelNumber";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowX_Int32 = "windowX";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowY_Int32 = "windowY";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowWidth_Int32 = "windowWidth";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowHeight_Int32 = "windowHeight";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_RenderWidth_Int32 = "renderWidth";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_RenderHeight_Int32 = "renderHeight";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float = "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_DisplayFrequency_Float = "displayFrequency";
// user interface keys
static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_Section = "userinterface";
static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_StatusAlwaysOnTop_Bool = "StatusAlwaysOnTop";
// notification keys
static const char * const k_pch_Notifications_Section = "notifications";
static const char * const k_pch_Notifications_DoNotDisturb_Bool = "DoNotDisturb";
// keyboard keys
static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_Section = "keyboard";
static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_TutorialCompletions = "TutorialCompletions";
// perf keys
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_Section = "perfcheck";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_HeuristicActive_Bool = "heuristicActive";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_NotifyInHMD_Bool = "warnInHMD";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_NotifyOnlyOnce_Bool = "warnOnlyOnce";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_AllowTimingStore_Bool = "allowTimingStore";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_SaveTimingsOnExit_Bool = "saveTimingsOnExit";
static const char * const k_pch_Perf_TestData_Float = "perfTestData";
// camera keys
static const char * const k_pch_Camera_Section = "camera";
static const char * const IVRSettings_Version = "IVRSettings_001";
// audio keys
static const char * const k_pch_audio_Section = "audio";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OnPlaybackDevice_String = "onPlaybackDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OnRecordDevice_String = "onRecordDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OffPlaybackDevice_String = "offPlaybackDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OffRecordDevice_String = "offRecordDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_VIVEHDMIGain = "viveHDMIGain";
} // namespace vr
// iservertrackeddevicedriver.h
namespace vr
struct DriverPoseQuaternion_t
double w, x, y, z;
struct DriverPose_t
/* Time offset of this pose, in seconds from the actual time of the pose,
* relative to the time of the PoseUpdated() call made by the driver.
double poseTimeOffset;
/* Generally, the pose maintained by a driver
* is in an inertial coordinate system different
* from the world system of x+ right, y+ up, z+ back.
* Also, the driver is not usually tracking the "head" position,
* but instead an internal IMU or another reference point in the HMD.
* The following two transforms transform positions and orientations
* to app world space from driver world space,
* and to HMD head space from driver local body space.
* We maintain the driver pose state in its internal coordinate system,
* so we can do the pose prediction math without having to
* use angular acceleration. A driver's angular acceleration is generally not measured,
* and is instead calculated from successive samples of angular velocity.
* This leads to a noisy angular acceleration values, which are also
* lagged due to the filtering required to reduce noise to an acceptable level.
vr::HmdQuaternion_t qWorldFromDriverRotation;
double vecWorldFromDriverTranslation[ 3 ];
vr::HmdQuaternion_t qDriverFromHeadRotation;
double vecDriverFromHeadTranslation[ 3 ];
/* State of driver pose, in meters and radians. */
/* Position of the driver tracking reference in driver world space
* +[0] (x) is right
* +[1] (y) is up
* -[2] (z) is forward
double vecPosition[ 3 ];
/* Velocity of the pose in meters/second */
double vecVelocity[ 3 ];
/* Acceleration of the pose in meters/second */
double vecAcceleration[ 3 ];
/* Orientation of the tracker, represented as a quaternion */
vr::HmdQuaternion_t qRotation;
/* Angular velocity of the pose in axis-angle
* representation. The direction is the angle of
* rotation and the magnitude is the angle around
* that axis in radians/second. */
double vecAngularVelocity[ 3 ];
/* Angular acceleration of the pose in axis-angle
* representation. The direction is the angle of
* rotation and the magnitude is the angle around
* that axis in radians/second^2. */
double vecAngularAcceleration[ 3 ];
ETrackingResult result;
bool poseIsValid;
bool willDriftInYaw;
bool shouldApplyHeadModel;
bool deviceIsConnected;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Represents a single tracked device in a driver
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ITrackedDeviceServerDriver
// ------------------------------------
// Management Methods
// ------------------------------------
/** This is called before an HMD is returned to the application. It will always be
* called before any display or tracking methods. Memory and processor use by the
* ITrackedDeviceServerDriver object should be kept to a minimum until it is activated.
* The pose listener is guaranteed to be valid until Deactivate is called, but
* should not be used after that point. */
virtual EVRInitError Activate( uint32_t unObjectId ) = 0;
/** This is called when The VR system is switching from this Hmd being the active display
* to another Hmd being the active display. The driver should clean whatever memory
* and thread use it can when it is deactivated */
virtual void Deactivate() = 0;
/** Handles a request from the system to power off this device */
virtual void PowerOff() = 0;
/** Requests a component interface of the driver for device-specific functionality. The driver should return NULL
* if the requested interface or version is not supported. */
virtual void *GetComponent( const char *pchComponentNameAndVersion ) = 0;
/** A VR Client has made this debug request of the driver. The set of valid requests is entirely
* up to the driver and the client to figure out, as is the format of the response. Responses that
* exceed the length of the supplied buffer should be truncated and null terminated */
virtual void DebugRequest( const char *pchRequest, char *pchResponseBuffer, uint32_t unResponseBufferSize ) = 0;
// ------------------------------------
// Tracking Methods
// ------------------------------------
virtual DriverPose_t GetPose() = 0;
// ------------------------------------
// Property Methods
// ------------------------------------
/** Returns a bool property. If the property is not available this function will return false. */
virtual bool GetBoolTrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
/** Returns a float property. If the property is not available this function will return 0. */
virtual float GetFloatTrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
/** Returns an int property. If the property is not available this function will return 0. */
virtual int32_t GetInt32TrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
/** Returns a uint64 property. If the property is not available this function will return 0. */
virtual uint64_t GetUint64TrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
/** Returns a matrix property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a matrix type, this function will return identity. */
virtual HmdMatrix34_t GetMatrix34TrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
/** Returns a string property. If the property is not available this function will return 0 and pError will be
* set to an error. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including
* the trailing null. If the buffer is too small the error will be TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall. Strings will
* generally fit in buffers of k_unTrackingStringSize characters. Drivers may not return strings longer than
* k_unMaxPropertyStringSize. */
virtual uint32_t GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty( ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) = 0;
static const char *ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_Version = "ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_004";
// ivrdisplaycomponent.h
namespace vr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: The display component on a single tracked device
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IVRDisplayComponent
// ------------------------------------
// Display Methods
// ------------------------------------
/** Size and position that the window needs to be on the VR display. */
virtual void GetWindowBounds( int32_t *pnX, int32_t *pnY, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0;
/** Returns true if the display is extending the desktop. */
virtual bool IsDisplayOnDesktop( ) = 0;
/** Returns true if the display is real and not a fictional display. */
virtual bool IsDisplayRealDisplay( ) = 0;
/** Suggested size for the intermediate render target that the distortion pulls from. */
virtual void GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize( uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0;
/** Gets the viewport in the frame buffer to draw the output of the distortion into */
virtual void GetEyeOutputViewport( EVREye eEye, uint32_t *pnX, uint32_t *pnY, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0;
/** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your
* application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */
virtual void GetProjectionRaw( EVREye eEye, float *pfLeft, float *pfRight, float *pfTop, float *pfBottom ) = 0;
/** Returns the result of the distortion function for the specified eye and input UVs. UVs go from 0,0 in
* the upper left of that eye's viewport and 1,1 in the lower right of that eye's viewport. */
virtual DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion( EVREye eEye, float fU, float fV ) = 0;
// -----------------------------------
// Direct mode methods
// -----------------------------------
/** Specific to Oculus compositor support, textures supplied must be created using this method. */
virtual void CreateSwapTextureSet( uint32_t unPid, uint32_t unFormat, uint32_t unWidth, uint32_t unHeight, void *(*pSharedTextureHandles)[2] ) {}
/** Used to textures created using CreateSwapTextureSet. Only one of the set's handles needs to be used to destroy the entire set. */
virtual void DestroySwapTextureSet( void *pSharedTextureHandle ) {}
/** Used to purge all texture sets for a given process. */
virtual void DestroyAllSwapTextureSets( uint32_t unPid ) {}
/** Call once per layer to draw for this frame. One shared texture handle per eye. Textures must be created
* using CreateSwapTextureSet and should be alternated per frame. Call Present once all layers have been submitted. */
virtual void SubmitLayer( void *pSharedTextureHandles[ 2 ], const vr::VRTextureBounds_t( &bounds )[ 2 ], const vr::HmdMatrix34_t *pPose ) {}
/** Submits queued layers for display. */
virtual void Present( void *hSyncTexture ) {}
static const char *IVRDisplayComponent_Version = "IVRDisplayComponent_001";
// ivrcontrollercomponent.h
namespace vr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Controller access on a single tracked device.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IVRControllerComponent
// ------------------------------------
// Controller Methods
// ------------------------------------
/** Gets the current state of a controller. */
virtual VRControllerState_t GetControllerState( ) = 0;
/** Returns a uint64 property. If the property is not available this function will return 0. */
virtual bool TriggerHapticPulse( uint32_t unAxisId, uint16_t usPulseDurationMicroseconds ) = 0;
static const char *IVRControllerComponent_Version = "IVRControllerComponent_001";
// ivrcameracomponent.h
namespace vr
class ICameraVideoSinkCallback
virtual void OnCameraVideoSinkCallback() = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: The camera on a single tracked device
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IVRCameraComponent
// ------------------------------------
// Camera Methods
// ------------------------------------
virtual bool HasCamera() = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraFirmwareDescription( char *pBuffer, uint32_t nBufferLen ) = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraFrameDimensions( vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat nVideoStreamFormat, uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight ) = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraFrameBufferingRequirements( int *pDefaultFrameQueueSize, uint32_t *pFrameBufferDataSize ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCameraFrameBuffering( int nFrameBufferCount, void **ppFrameBuffers, uint32_t nFrameBufferDataSize ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCameraVideoStreamFormat( vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat nVideoStreamFormat ) = 0;
virtual vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat GetCameraVideoStreamFormat() = 0;
virtual bool StartVideoStream() = 0;
virtual void StopVideoStream() = 0;
virtual bool IsVideoStreamActive() = 0;
virtual float GetVideoStreamElapsedTime() = 0;
virtual const vr::CameraVideoStreamFrame_t *GetVideoStreamFrame() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseVideoStreamFrame( const vr::CameraVideoStreamFrame_t *pFrameImage ) = 0;
virtual bool SetAutoExposure( bool bEnable ) = 0;
virtual bool PauseVideoStream() = 0;
virtual bool ResumeVideoStream() = 0;
virtual bool IsVideoStreamPaused() = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraDistortion( float flInputU, float flInputV, float *pflOutputU, float *pflOutputV ) = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraProjection( float flWidthPixels, float flHeightPixels, float flZNear, float flZFar, vr::HmdMatrix44_t *pProjection ) = 0;
virtual bool GetRecommendedCameraUndistortion( uint32_t *pUndistortionWidthPixels, uint32_t *pUndistortionHeightPixels ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCameraUndistortion( uint32_t nUndistortionWidthPixels, uint32_t nUndistortionHeightPixels ) = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraFirmwareVersion( uint64_t *pFirmwareVersion ) = 0;
virtual bool SetFrameRate( int nISPFrameRate, int nSensorFrameRate ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCameraVideoSinkCallback( vr::ICameraVideoSinkCallback *pCameraVideoSinkCallback ) = 0;
virtual bool GetCameraCompatibilityMode( vr::ECameraCompatibilityMode *pCameraCompatibilityMode ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCameraCompatibilityMode( vr::ECameraCompatibilityMode nCameraCompatibilityMode ) = 0;
static const char *IVRCameraComponent_Version = "IVRCameraComponent_001";
// itrackeddevicedriverprovider.h
namespace vr
class ITrackedDeviceServerDriver;
struct TrackedDeviceDriverInfo_t;
struct DriverPose_t;
class IDriverLog
/** Writes a log message to the log file prefixed with the driver name */
virtual void Log( const char *pchLogMessage ) = 0;
/** This interface is provided by vrserver to allow the driver to notify
* the system when something changes about a device. These changes must
* not change the serial number or class of the device because those values
* are permanently associated with the device's index. */
class IServerDriverHost
/** Notifies the server that a tracked device has been added. If this function returns true
* the server will call Activate on the device. If it returns false some kind of error
* has occurred and the device will not be activated. */
virtual bool TrackedDeviceAdded( const char *pchDeviceSerialNumber ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that a tracked device's pose has been updated */
virtual void TrackedDevicePoseUpdated( uint32_t unWhichDevice, const DriverPose_t & newPose ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that the property cache for the specified device should be invalidated */
virtual void TrackedDevicePropertiesChanged( uint32_t unWhichDevice ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that vsync has occurred on the the display attached to the device. This is
* only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */
virtual void VsyncEvent( double vsyncTimeOffsetSeconds ) = 0;
/** notifies the server that the button was pressed */
virtual void TrackedDeviceButtonPressed( uint32_t unWhichDevice, EVRButtonId eButtonId, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0;
/** notifies the server that the button was unpressed */
virtual void TrackedDeviceButtonUnpressed( uint32_t unWhichDevice, EVRButtonId eButtonId, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0;
/** notifies the server that the button was pressed */
virtual void TrackedDeviceButtonTouched( uint32_t unWhichDevice, EVRButtonId eButtonId, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0;
/** notifies the server that the button was unpressed */
virtual void TrackedDeviceButtonUntouched( uint32_t unWhichDevice, EVRButtonId eButtonId, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0;
/** notifies the server than a controller axis changed */
virtual void TrackedDeviceAxisUpdated( uint32_t unWhichDevice, uint32_t unWhichAxis, const VRControllerAxis_t & axisState ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that the MC image has been updated for the display attached to the device. This is
* only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */
virtual void MCImageUpdated() = 0;
/** always returns a pointer to a valid interface pointer of IVRSettings */
virtual IVRSettings *GetSettings( const char *pchInterfaceVersion ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that the physical IPD adjustment has been moved on the HMD */
virtual void PhysicalIpdSet( uint32_t unWhichDevice, float fPhysicalIpdMeters ) = 0;
/** Notifies the server that the proximity sensor on the specified device */
virtual void ProximitySensorState( uint32_t unWhichDevice, bool bProximitySensorTriggered ) = 0;
/** Sends a vendor specific event (VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start..VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End */
virtual void VendorSpecificEvent( uint32_t unWhichDevice, vr::EVREventType eventType, const VREvent_Data_t & eventData, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0;
/** Returns true if SteamVR is exiting */
virtual bool IsExiting() = 0;
/** This interface must be implemented in each driver. It will be loaded in vrserver.exe */
class IServerTrackedDeviceProvider
/** initializes the driver. This will be called before any other methods are called.
* If Init returns anything other than VRInitError_None the driver DLL will be unloaded.
* pDriverHost will never be NULL, and will always be a pointer to a IServerDriverHost interface
* pchUserDriverConfigDir - The absolute path of the directory where the driver should store user
* config files.
* pchDriverInstallDir - The absolute path of the root directory for the driver.
virtual EVRInitError Init( IDriverLog *pDriverLog, vr::IServerDriverHost *pDriverHost, const char *pchUserDriverConfigDir, const char *pchDriverInstallDir ) = 0;
/** cleans up the driver right before it is unloaded */
virtual void Cleanup() = 0;
/** returns the number of HMDs that this driver manages that are physically connected. */
virtual uint32_t GetTrackedDeviceCount() = 0;
/** returns a single HMD */
virtual ITrackedDeviceServerDriver *GetTrackedDeviceDriver( uint32_t unWhich, const char *pchInterfaceVersion ) = 0;
/** returns a single HMD by ID */
virtual ITrackedDeviceServerDriver* FindTrackedDeviceDriver( const char *pchId, const char *pchInterfaceVersion ) = 0;
/** Allows the driver do to some work in the main loop of the server. */
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
// ------------ Power State Functions ----------------------- //
/** Returns true if the driver wants to block Standby mode. */
virtual bool ShouldBlockStandbyMode() = 0;
/** Called when the system is entering Standby mode. The driver should switch itself into whatever sort of low-power
* state it has. */
virtual void EnterStandby() = 0;
/** Called when the system is leaving Standby mode. The driver should switch itself back to
full operation. */
virtual void LeaveStandby() = 0;
static const char *IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_Version = "IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_002";
/** This interface is provided by vrclient to allow the driver call back and query various information */
class IClientDriverHost
/** Returns the device class of a tracked device. If there has not been a device connected in this slot
* since the application started this function will return TrackedDevice_Invalid. For previous detected
* devices the function will return the previously observed device class.
* To determine which devices exist on the system, just loop from 0 to k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount and check
* the device class. Every device with something other than TrackedDevice_Invalid is associated with an
* actual tracked device. */
virtual ETrackedDeviceClass GetTrackedDeviceClass( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex ) = 0;
/** Returns true if there is a device connected in this slot. */
virtual bool IsTrackedDeviceConnected( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex ) = 0;
/** Returns a bool property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a bool type this function will return false. */
virtual bool GetBoolTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) = 0;
/** Returns a float property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a float type this function will return 0. */
virtual float GetFloatTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) = 0;
/** Returns an int property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a int type this function will return 0. */
virtual int32_t GetInt32TrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) = 0;
/** Returns a uint64 property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a uint64 type this function will return 0. */
virtual uint64_t GetUint64TrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) = 0;
/** Returns a string property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a float type this function will
* return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
* null. Strings will generally fit in buffers of k_unTrackingStringSize characters. */
virtual uint32_t GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) = 0;
/** always returns a pointer to a valid interface pointer of IVRSettings */
virtual IVRSettings *GetSettings( const char *pchInterfaceVersion ) = 0;
/** This interface must be implemented in each driver. It will be loaded in vrclient.dll */
class IClientTrackedDeviceProvider
/** initializes the driver. This will be called before any other methods are called,
* except BIsHmdPresent(). BIsHmdPresent is called outside of the Init/Cleanup pair.
* If Init returns anything other than VRInitError_None the driver DLL will be unloaded.
* pDriverHost will never be NULL, and will always be a pointer to a IClientDriverHost interface
* pchUserDriverConfigDir - The absolute path of the directory where the driver should store user
* config files.
* pchDriverInstallDir - The absolute path of the root directory for the driver.
virtual EVRInitError Init( IDriverLog *pDriverLog, vr::IClientDriverHost *pDriverHost, const char *pchUserDriverConfigDir, const char *pchDriverInstallDir ) = 0;
/** cleans up the driver right before it is unloaded */
virtual void Cleanup() = 0;
/** Called when the client needs to inform an application if an HMD is attached that uses
* this driver. This method should be as lightweight as possible and should have no side effects
* such as hooking process functions or leaving resources loaded. Init will not be called before
* this method and Cleanup will not be called after it.
virtual bool BIsHmdPresent( const char *pchUserConfigDir ) = 0;
/** called when the client inits an HMD to let the client driver know which one is in use */
virtual EVRInitError SetDisplayId( const char *pchDisplayId ) = 0;
/** Returns the stencil mesh information for the current HMD. If this HMD does not have a stencil mesh the vertex data and count will be
* NULL and 0 respectively. This mesh is meant to be rendered into the stencil buffer (or into the depth buffer setting nearz) before rendering
* each eye's view. The pixels covered by this mesh will never be seen by the user after the lens distortion is applied and based on visibility to the panels.
* This will improve perf by letting the GPU early-reject pixels the user will never see before running the pixel shader.
* NOTE: Render this mesh with backface culling disabled since the winding order of the vertices can be different per-HMD or per-eye.
virtual HiddenAreaMesh_t GetHiddenAreaMesh( EVREye eEye ) = 0;
/** Get the MC image for the current HMD.
* Returns the size in bytes of the buffer required to hold the specified resource. */
virtual uint32_t GetMCImage( uint32_t *pImgWidth, uint32_t *pImgHeight, uint32_t *pChannels, void *pDataBuffer, uint32_t unBufferLen ) = 0;
static const char *IClientTrackedDeviceProvider_Version = "IClientTrackedDeviceProvider_003";
}// End