MagCalibrate.cpp 正在创建库 D:\Hardware Project\GeekIMU\4.Software\GeekIMU Manager GUI 1.2\GeekIMUDriver 1.2\Projects\Release\libdm.lib 和对象 D:\Hardware Project\GeekIMU\4.Software\GeekIMU Manager GUI 1.2\GeekIMUDriver 1.2\Projects\Release\libdm.exp 正在生成代码 3 of 246 functions ( 1.2%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation. 0 functions were new in current compilation 0 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged 已完成代码的生成 LibHID.vcxproj -> D:\Hardware Project\GeekIMU\4.Software\GeekIMU Manager GUI 1.2\GeekIMUDriver 1.2\Projects\Release\libdm.dll