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2023-11-28 19:20:25 +08:00
* This file is part of ORB-SLAM3
* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez Rodríguez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
* ORB-SLAM3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ORB-SLAM3.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Map.h"
#include "MapPoint.h"
#include "KeyFrame.h"
#include "LoopClosing.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/types/types_seven_dof_expmap.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/core/sparse_block_matrix.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/core/block_solver.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_levenberg.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/solvers/linear_solver_eigen.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/types/types_six_dof_expmap.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/core/robust_kernel_impl.h"
#include "Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/solvers/linear_solver_dense.h"
namespace ORB_SLAM3
class LoopClosing;
class Optimizer
void static BundleAdjustment(const std::vector<KeyFrame*> &vpKF, const std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpMP,
int nIterations = 5, bool *pbStopFlag=NULL, const unsigned long nLoopKF=0,
const bool bRobust = true);
void static GlobalBundleAdjustemnt(Map* pMap, int nIterations=5, bool *pbStopFlag=NULL,
const unsigned long nLoopKF=0, const bool bRobust = true);
void static FullInertialBA(Map *pMap, int its, const bool bFixLocal=false, const unsigned long nLoopKF=0, bool *pbStopFlag=NULL, bool bInit=false, float priorG = 1e2, float priorA=1e6, Eigen::VectorXd *vSingVal = NULL, bool *bHess=NULL);
void static LocalBundleAdjustment(KeyFrame* pKF, bool *pbStopFlag, Map *pMap, int& num_fixedKF, int& num_OptKF, int& num_MPs, int& num_edges);
int static PoseOptimization(Frame* pFrame);
int static PoseInertialOptimizationLastKeyFrame(Frame* pFrame, bool bRecInit = false);
int static PoseInertialOptimizationLastFrame(Frame *pFrame, bool bRecInit = false);
// if bFixScale is true, 6DoF optimization (stereo,rgbd), 7DoF otherwise (mono)
void static OptimizeEssentialGraph(Map* pMap, KeyFrame* pLoopKF, KeyFrame* pCurKF,
const LoopClosing::KeyFrameAndPose &NonCorrectedSim3,
const LoopClosing::KeyFrameAndPose &CorrectedSim3,
const map<KeyFrame *, set<KeyFrame *> > &LoopConnections,
const bool &bFixScale);
void static OptimizeEssentialGraph(KeyFrame* pCurKF, vector<KeyFrame*> &vpFixedKFs, vector<KeyFrame*> &vpFixedCorrectedKFs,
vector<KeyFrame*> &vpNonFixedKFs, vector<MapPoint*> &vpNonCorrectedMPs);
// For inertial loopclosing
void static OptimizeEssentialGraph4DoF(Map* pMap, KeyFrame* pLoopKF, KeyFrame* pCurKF,
const LoopClosing::KeyFrameAndPose &NonCorrectedSim3,
const LoopClosing::KeyFrameAndPose &CorrectedSim3,
const map<KeyFrame *, set<KeyFrame *> > &LoopConnections);
// if bFixScale is true, optimize SE3 (stereo,rgbd), Sim3 otherwise (mono) (NEW)
static int OptimizeSim3(KeyFrame* pKF1, KeyFrame* pKF2, std::vector<MapPoint *> &vpMatches1,
g2o::Sim3 &g2oS12, const float th2, const bool bFixScale,
Eigen::Matrix<double,7,7> &mAcumHessian, const bool bAllPoints=false);
// For inertial systems
void static LocalInertialBA(KeyFrame* pKF, bool *pbStopFlag, Map *pMap, int& num_fixedKF, int& num_OptKF, int& num_MPs, int& num_edges, bool bLarge = false, bool bRecInit = false);
void static MergeInertialBA(KeyFrame* pCurrKF, KeyFrame* pMergeKF, bool *pbStopFlag, Map *pMap, LoopClosing::KeyFrameAndPose &corrPoses);
// Local BA in welding area when two maps are merged
void static LocalBundleAdjustment(KeyFrame* pMainKF,vector<KeyFrame*> vpAdjustKF, vector<KeyFrame*> vpFixedKF, bool *pbStopFlag);
// Marginalize block element (start:end,start:end). Perform Schur complement.
// Marginalized elements are filled with zeros.
static Eigen::MatrixXd Marginalize(const Eigen::MatrixXd &H, const int &start, const int &end);
// Inertial pose-graph
void static InertialOptimization(Map *pMap, Eigen::Matrix3d &Rwg, double &scale, Eigen::Vector3d &bg, Eigen::Vector3d &ba, bool bMono, Eigen::MatrixXd &covInertial, bool bFixedVel=false, bool bGauss=false, float priorG = 1e2, float priorA = 1e6);
void static InertialOptimization(Map *pMap, Eigen::Vector3d &bg, Eigen::Vector3d &ba, float priorG = 1e2, float priorA = 1e6);
void static InertialOptimization(Map *pMap, Eigen::Matrix3d &Rwg, double &scale);
} //namespace ORB_SLAM3
#endif // OPTIMIZER_H