PDR/1.Software/PDR 1.04 - bak/3rdparty/lwgps-develop/docs/examples/index.rst

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2022-09-15 16:35:25 +08:00
.. _examples:
Examples and demos
There are several basic examples provided with the library.
Parse block of data
In this example, block of data is prepared as big string array and sent to processing function in single shot.
Application can then check if GPS signal has been detected as valid and use other data accordingly.
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example.c
:language: c
:caption: Minimum example code
Parse received data from interrupt/DMA
Second example is a typical use case with interrupts on embedded systems.
For each received character, application uses ``ringbuff`` as intermediate buffer.
Data are later processed outside interrupt context.
.. note::
For the sake of this example, application *implements* interrupts as function call in *while loop*.
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example_buff.c
:language: c
:caption: Example of buffer
Distance and bearing
Library provides calculation of distance and bearing between ``2`` coordinates on earth.
This is useful if used with autonomnous devices to understand in which direction
device has to move to reach end point while knowing start coordinate.
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example_dist_bear.c
:language: c
:caption: Distance and bearing calculation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2