PDR/1.Software/PDR 1.04 - bak/3rdparty/lwgps-develop/docs/get-started/index.rst

100 lines
3.8 KiB

.. _getting_started:
Getting started
.. _download_library:
Download library
Library is primarly hosted on `Github <https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps>`_.
* Download latest release from `releases area <https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps/releases>`_ on Github
* Clone `develop` branch for latest development
Download from releases
All releases are available on Github `releases area <https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps/releases>`_.
Clone from Github
First-time clone
* Download and install ``git`` if not already
* Open console and navigate to path in the system to clone repository to. Use command ``cd your_path``
* Clone repository with one of available ``3`` options
* Run ``git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps`` command to clone entire repository, including submodules
* Run ``git clone --recurse-submodules --branch develop https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps`` to clone `development` branch, including submodules
* Run ``git clone --recurse-submodules --branch master https://github.com/MaJerle/lwgps`` to clone `latest stable` branch, including submodules
* Navigate to ``examples`` directory and run favourite example
Update cloned to latest version
* Open console and navigate to path in the system where your resources repository is. Use command ``cd your_path``
* Run ``git pull origin master --recurse-submodules`` command to pull latest changes and to fetch latest changes from submodules
* Run ``git submodule foreach git pull origin master`` to update & merge all submodules
.. note::
This is preferred option to use when you want to evaluate library and run prepared examples.
Repository consists of multiple submodules which can be automatically downloaded when cloning and pulling changes from root repository.
Add library to project - Generic
At this point it is assumed that you have successfully download library, either cloned it or from releases page.
* Copy ``lwgps`` folder to your project
* Add ``lwgps/src/include`` folder to `include path` of your toolchain
* Add source files from ``lwgps/src/`` folder to toolchain build
* Copy ``lwgps/src/include/lwgps/lwgps_opts_template.h`` to project folder and rename it to ``lwgps_opts.h``
* Build the project
Add library to project - CMake
Including the library with CMake is very easy.
* Add the ``lwgps`` folder with ``add_subdirectory``
* Copy ``lwgps/src/include/lwgps/lwgps_opts_template.h`` to the project folder and rename it
to ``lwgps_opts.h``
* Set the ``LWGPS_CONFIG_PATH`` path variable containing the ``lwgps_opts.h`` file
in the project ``CMakeLists.txt``
* Link your project against the ``lwgps`` library with ``target_link_libraries``
* The include directory should be set automatically by CMake
Configuration file
Library comes with template config file, which can be modified according to needs.
This file shall be named ``lwgps_opts.h`` and its default template looks like the one below.
.. note::
Default configuration template file location: ``lwgps/src/include/lwgps/lwgps_opts_template.h``.
File must be renamed to ``lwgps_opts.h`` first and then copied to the project directory (or simply renamed in-place) where compiler
include paths have access to it by using ``#include "lwgps_opts.h"``.
.. tip::
Check :ref:`api_lwgps_opt` section for possible configuration settings
.. literalinclude:: ../../lwgps/src/include/lwgps/lwgps_opts_template.h
:language: c
:caption: Template options file
Minimal example code
Run below example to test and verify library
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example.c
:language: c
:caption: Test verification code