/** @mainpage API Reference

Older versions: [0.1](0.1).


%libfreenect2 is an open source cross-platform driver for Kinect for Windows v2
devices. For information on installation and troubleshooting, see the
[GitHub repository](https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2).

This documentation is designed for application developers who want to extract
and use depth and color images from Kinect v2 for further processing.
Additional questions and comments not covered by this documentation can be
posted to [GitHub issues](https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2/issues).

This documentation may require some understanding on camera calibration and 3-D


- Color image processing
- IR and depth image processing
- Registration of color and depth images
- Multiple GPU and hardware acceleration implementations for image processing

### Issues and Future Work

- Audio. Raw audio is accessible via Linux USB audio. There is no support for
  the calibrated directional audio.
- Unstable USB and crashes. Due to differences in driver support, USB problems
  can happen a lot. Error handling in %libfreenect2 is not fully verified for
  production use.
- Firmware upload. The protocol has been reverse engineered, but use Windows
  for this right now.
- Example of multiple Kinects.
- Example utility of dumping image frames.
- API for on-demand processing.
- Verification of systematic errors through accurate calibration.
- Bindings for C, Python, Java, etc.

Getting Started

To read the API documentation, start with the [Modules](modules.html) page
which nicely organizes classes according to their functionalities.

Example programs can be found in the source distribution under the `examples`
directory. There also includes an example CMake build system for a standalone
application that uses %libfreenect2 binary installation.

Many internal details are hidden from this public API. For details on Kinect
v2's USB protocols, depth decoding algorithms, calibration algorithms, and how
to implement performance optimizers, you are encouraged to read the source
code. The source code is the updated and authoritative reference for any

Environment Variables

There are a few environment variables providing controls for both end-users and

* `LIBFREENECT2_LOGGER_LEVEL`: The default logging level if not explicitly set
  by the code.
* `LIBFREENECT2_PIPELINE`: The default pipeline if not explicitly set by the
  sizes. Use only if you know what you are doing.

You can also see the following walkthrough for the most basic usage.


Here is an example to walk you through the API. See `examples/Protonect.cpp`
for the full source.


First, include necessary headers. `registration.h` and `logger.h` are optional
if you don't use them.

@snippet Protonect.cpp headers


This shows how to set up the logger and logging level.

@snippet Protonect.cpp logging

Though @copydetails libfreenect2::createConsoleLoggerWithDefaultLevel

You can implement a custom [Logger](@ref libfreenect2::Logger) and redirect
%libfreenect2's log messages to desired places.

Here is an example to save log messages to a file.

@snippet Protonect.cpp logger

And use it

@snippet Protonect.cpp file logging

%libfreenect2 uses a single global logger regardless of number of contexts and
devices. You may have to implement thread safety measure in
[log()](@ref libfreenect2::Logger::log), which is called from multiple threads.
Console loggers are thread safe because `std::cout` and `std::cerr` are thread

Initialize and Discover Devices

You need these structures for all operations. Here it uses only one device.

@snippet Protonect.cpp context

You must enumerate all Kinect v2 devices before doing anything else related to

@snippet Protonect.cpp discovery

Also, you can create a specific [PacketPipeline](@ref libfreenect2::PacketPipeline)
instead using the default one for opening the device. Alternatives include
[OpenGLPacketPipeline](@ref libfreenect2::OpenGLPacketPipeline),
[OpenCLPacketPipeline](@ref libfreenect2::OpenCLPacketPipeline), etc.

@snippet Protonect.cpp pipeline

Open and Configure the Device

Now you can open the device by its serial number, and using the specific

@snippet Protonect.cpp open

You can also open the device without providing a pipeline, then a default is
used. There are a few alternative ways to [openDevice()](@ref libfreenect2::Freenect2::openDevice).

After opening, you need to attach [Framelisteners](@ref libfreenect2::FrameListener)
to the device to receive images frames.

This [SyncMultiFrameListener](@ref libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener) will
wait until all specified types of frames are received once. Like loggers, you
may also implement your own frame listeners using the same interface.

@snippet Protonect.cpp listeners

You cannot configure the device after starting it.

Start the Device

After finishing configuring the device, you can start the device. You must
start the device before querying any information of the device.

@snippet Protonect.cpp start

You can [setIrCameraParams()](@ref libfreenect2::Freenect2Device::setIrCameraParams)
after start if you have your own depth calibration parameters.

Otherwise you can also use the factory preset parameters for
[Registration](@ref libfreenect2::Registration).  You can also provide your own
depth calibration parameterss (though not color camera calibration parameters
right now). Registration is optional.

@snippet Protonect.cpp registration setup

At this time, the processing has begun, and the data flows through the pipeline
towards your frame listeners.

Receive Image Frames

This example uses a loop to receive image frames.

@snippet Protonect.cpp loop start

[waitForNewFrame()](@ref libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener::waitForNewFrame)
here will block until required frames are all received, and then you can
extract `Frame` according to the type.

See libfreenect2::Frame for details about pixel format, dimensions, and

You can do your own things using the frame data.  You can feed it to OpenCV,
PCL, etc. Here, you can perform registration:

@snippet Protonect.cpp registration

After you are done with this frame, you must release it.

@snippet Protonect.cpp loop end

Stop the Device

If you are finished and no longer need to receive more frames, you can stop
the device and exit.

@snippet Protonect.cpp stop

Pause the Device

You can also temporarily pause the device with
[stop()](@ref libfreenect2::Freenect2Device::stop) and
[start()](@ref libfreenect2::Freenect2Device::start).

@snippet Protonect.cpp pause

Doing this during `waitForNewFrame()` should be thread safe, and tests also
show well. But a guarantee of thread safety has not been checked yet.
