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2024-04-27 17:13:37 +08:00
function xIMUdataStruct = ImportDirectory(directory)
%IMPORTDIRECTORY Imports all x-IMU data CSV files within directory
% xIMUdataStruct = ImportDirectory(directory)
% Automatically imports x-IMU CSV files within specified directly.
% Imported data is returned as a structure of xIMUdataClass objects. The
% name of each member will "ID_ABCD" where "ABCD" if the x-IMU device ID
% if available (i.e. if *_Registers.csv file present) or "FILE_00000"
% where "00000" is the file name prefix of the CSV files.
%% Import CSV files
listing = dir(strcat(directory, '\*_*.csv')); % list all *_*.csv files in directory
fileNamePrefixes = unique(strtok({listing.name}, '_')); % list unique file name prefixes (e.g. name_*.csv)
xIMUdataObjs = cell(length(fileNamePrefixes), 1);
for i = 1:length(fileNamePrefixes)
try xIMUdataObjs{i} = xIMUdataClass(strcat(directory, '\', fileNamePrefixes{i})); catch e, end
fileNamePrefixes(cellfun(@isempty,xIMUdataObjs)) = []; % remove failures from lists
xIMUdataObjs(cellfun(@isempty,xIMUdataObjs)) = [];
if(numel(xIMUdataObjs) == 0)
error('No data was imported.');
%% Organise data in structure
fieldNames = cell(numel(xIMUdataObjs), 1);
try % try using device IDs as structure field names
for i = 1:numel(xIMUdataObjs)
fieldNames{i} = strcat('ID_', dec2hex(xIMUdataObjs{i}.RegisterData.GetValueAtAddress(2)));
xIMUdataStruct = orderfields(cell2struct(xIMUdataObjs, fieldNames, 1));
catch e % otherwise use file name prefix (alpha-numeric characters only)
for i = 1:numel(xIMUdataObjs)
fieldNames{i} = strcat('FILE_', fileNamePrefixes{i}(isstrprop(fileNamePrefixes{i}, 'alphanum')));
xIMUdataStruct = orderfields(cell2struct(xIMUdataObjs, fieldNames, 1));