All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* smart not case ([#101]( ([698d8b0](
### Bug Fixes
* move @types/json-schema from devDependencies to dependencies ([#97]( ([#98]( ([945e67d](
* prefer the `baseDataPath` option from arguments ([#86]( ([e236859](
* support configuration via title ([#81]( ([afddc10](
* rework format for maxLength, minLength ([#67]( ([0d12259](
* support all cases with one number in range ([#64]( ([7fc8069](
* typescript definition and export naming ([#69]( ([a435b79](
### Features
* "smart" numbers range ([62fb107](
* **src:** add support for custom error messages ([#33]( ([1cbe4ef](
* **validateOptions:** throw `err` instead of `process.exit(1)` ([#17]( ([c595eda](
* **ValidationError:** never return `this` in the ctor ([#16]( ([c723791](
* **validateOptions:** catch `ValidationError` and handle it internally ([#15]( ([9c5ef5e](
* **ValidationError:** use `Error.captureStackTrace` for `err.stack` handling ([#14]( ([a6fb974](
* add support for `typeof`, `instanceof` (`{Function\|RegExp}`) ([#10]( ([9f01816](
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.