All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* compatibility with webpack@5 ([#473]( ([63da9ae](
* memory leak when `writeToDisk` used ([#472]( ([6730076](
* directly used mkdirp instead of through Webpack ([#436]( ([dff39a1](
* displayStats only logged ([#427]( ([98deaf4](
* the `writeToFile` option has compatibility with webpack@5 ([#459]( ([5c90e1e](
* support `HEAD` method by default ([#398]( ([ec3d5eb](
* check existence of `res.getHeader` and set the correct Content-Type ([#385]( ([56dc705](
* do not overwrite Content-Type if header already exists ([#377]( ([b2a6fed](
* don't add charset to `usdz` file type ([#357]( ([b135b3d](
* remove querystring from filenames when writing to disk ([#361]( ([90d0d94](
* **middleware:** do not add 'null' to Content-Type ([#355]( ([cf4d7a9](
### Features
* allow to redefine `mimeTypes` (possible to use `force` option) ([#349]( ([e56a181](