/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ const merge = require('deepmerge'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const SVGCompiler = require('svg-baker'); const spriteFactory = require('svg-baker/lib/sprite-factory'); const Sprite = require('svg-baker/lib/sprite'); const { NAMESPACE } = require('./config'); const { MappedList, replaceInModuleSource, replaceSpritePlaceholder, getMatchedRule } = require('./utils'); const defaultConfig = { plainSprite: false, spriteAttrs: {} }; class SVGSpritePlugin { constructor(cfg = {}) { const config = merge.all([defaultConfig, cfg]); this.config = config; const spriteFactoryOptions = { attrs: config.spriteAttrs }; if (config.plainSprite) { spriteFactoryOptions.styles = false; spriteFactoryOptions.usages = false; } this.factory = ({ symbols }) => { const opts = merge.all([spriteFactoryOptions, { symbols }]); return spriteFactory(opts); }; this.svgCompiler = new SVGCompiler(); this.rules = {}; } /** * This need to find plugin from loader context */ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this get NAMESPACE() { return NAMESPACE; } getReplacements() { const isPlainSprite = this.config.plainSprite === true; const replacements = this.map.groupItemsBySymbolFile((acc, item) => { acc[item.resource] = isPlainSprite ? item.url : item.useUrl; }); return replacements; } // TODO optimize MappedList instantiation in each hook apply(compiler) { this.rules = getMatchedRule(compiler); const path = this.rules.outputPath ? this.rules.outputPath : this.rules.publicPath; this.filenamePrefix = path ? path.replace(/^\//, '') : ''; if (compiler.hooks) { compiler.hooks .thisCompilation .tap(NAMESPACE, (compilation) => { compilation.hooks .normalModuleLoader .tap(NAMESPACE, loaderContext => loaderContext[NAMESPACE] = this); compilation.hooks .afterOptimizeChunks .tap(NAMESPACE, () => this.afterOptimizeChunks(compilation)); compilation.hooks .optimizeExtractedChunks .tap(NAMESPACE, chunks => this.optimizeExtractedChunks(chunks)); compilation.hooks .additionalAssets .tapPromise(NAMESPACE, () => { return this.additionalAssets(compilation); }); }); compiler.hooks .compilation .tap(NAMESPACE, (compilation) => { if (compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlGeneration) { compilation.hooks .htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlGeneration .tapAsync(NAMESPACE, (htmlPluginData, callback) => { htmlPluginData.assets.sprites = this.beforeHtmlGeneration(compilation); callback(null, htmlPluginData); }); } if (compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlProcessing) { compilation.hooks .htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlProcessing .tapAsync(NAMESPACE, (htmlPluginData, callback) => { htmlPluginData.html = this.beforeHtmlProcessing(htmlPluginData); callback(null, htmlPluginData); }); } }); } else { // Handle only main compilation compiler.plugin('this-compilation', (compilation) => { // Share svgCompiler with loader compilation.plugin('normal-module-loader', (loaderContext) => { loaderContext[NAMESPACE] = this; }); // Replace placeholders with real URL to symbol (in modules processed by svg-sprite-loader) compilation.plugin('after-optimize-chunks', () => this.afterOptimizeChunks(compilation)); // Hook into extract-text-webpack-plugin to replace placeholders with real URL to symbol compilation.plugin('optimize-extracted-chunks', chunks => this.optimizeExtractedChunks(chunks)); // Hook into html-webpack-plugin to add `sprites` variable into template context compilation.plugin('html-webpack-plugin-before-html-generation', (htmlPluginData, done) => { htmlPluginData.assets.sprites = this.beforeHtmlGeneration(compilation); done(null, htmlPluginData); }); // Hook into html-webpack-plugin to replace placeholders with real URL to symbol compilation.plugin('html-webpack-plugin-before-html-processing', (htmlPluginData, done) => { htmlPluginData.html = this.beforeHtmlProcessing(htmlPluginData); done(null, htmlPluginData); }); // Create sprite chunk compilation.plugin('additional-assets', (done) => { return this.additionalAssets(compilation) .then(() => { done(); return true; }) .catch(e => done(e)); }); }); } } additionalAssets(compilation) { const itemsBySprite = this.map.groupItemsBySpriteFilename(); const filenames = Object.keys(itemsBySprite); return Promise.map(filenames, (filename) => { const spriteSymbols = itemsBySprite[filename].map(item => item.symbol); return Sprite.create({ symbols: spriteSymbols, factory: this.factory }) .then((sprite) => { const content = sprite.render(); compilation.assets[`${this.filenamePrefix}${filename}`] = { source() { return content; }, size() { return content.length; } }; }); }); } afterOptimizeChunks(compilation) { const { symbols } = this.svgCompiler; this.map = new MappedList(symbols, compilation); const replacements = this.getReplacements(); this.map.items.forEach(item => replaceInModuleSource(item.module, replacements)); } optimizeExtractedChunks(chunks) { const replacements = this.getReplacements(); chunks.forEach((chunk) => { let modules; if (chunk.modulesIterable) { modules = Array.from(chunk.modulesIterable); } else { modules = chunk.modules; } modules // dirty hack to identify modules extracted by extract-text-webpack-plugin // TODO refactor .filter(module => '_originalModule' in module) .forEach(module => replaceInModuleSource(module, replacements)); }); } beforeHtmlGeneration(compilation) { const itemsBySprite = this.map.groupItemsBySpriteFilename(); const sprites = Object.keys(itemsBySprite).reduce((acc, filename) => { acc[this.filenamePrefix + filename] = compilation.assets[this.filenamePrefix + filename].source(); return acc; }, {}); return sprites; } beforeHtmlProcessing(htmlPluginData) { const replacements = this.getReplacements(); return replaceSpritePlaceholder(htmlPluginData.html, replacements); } } module.exports = SVGSpritePlugin;