function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } // THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED // see scripts/generateNodeUtils.js function isTypeOf(t) { return function (n) { return n.type === t; }; } function assertTypeOf(t) { return function (n) { return function () { if (!(n.type === t)) { throw new Error('n.type === t' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } }(); }; } export function module(id, fields, metadata) { if (id !== null && id !== undefined) { if (!(typeof id === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof id === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument id must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(id) || "unknown")); } } if (!(_typeof(fields) === "object" && typeof fields.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof fields === "object" && typeof fields.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Module", id: id, fields: fields }; if (typeof metadata !== "undefined") { node.metadata = metadata; } return node; } export function moduleMetadata(sections, functionNames, localNames) { if (!(_typeof(sections) === "object" && typeof sections.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof sections === "object" && typeof sections.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (functionNames !== null && functionNames !== undefined) { if (!(_typeof(functionNames) === "object" && typeof functionNames.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof functionNames === "object" && typeof functionNames.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } } if (localNames !== null && localNames !== undefined) { if (!(_typeof(localNames) === "object" && typeof localNames.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof localNames === "object" && typeof localNames.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "ModuleMetadata", sections: sections }; if (typeof functionNames !== "undefined" && functionNames.length > 0) { node.functionNames = functionNames; } if (typeof localNames !== "undefined" && localNames.length > 0) { node.localNames = localNames; } return node; } export function moduleNameMetadata(value) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "ModuleNameMetadata", value: value }; return node; } export function functionNameMetadata(value, index) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } if (!(typeof index === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof index === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument index must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(index) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "FunctionNameMetadata", value: value, index: index }; return node; } export function localNameMetadata(value, localIndex, functionIndex) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } if (!(typeof localIndex === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof localIndex === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument localIndex must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(localIndex) || "unknown")); } if (!(typeof functionIndex === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof functionIndex === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument functionIndex must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(functionIndex) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "LocalNameMetadata", value: value, localIndex: localIndex, functionIndex: functionIndex }; return node; } export function binaryModule(id, blob) { if (id !== null && id !== undefined) { if (!(typeof id === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof id === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument id must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(id) || "unknown")); } } if (!(_typeof(blob) === "object" && typeof blob.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof blob === "object" && typeof blob.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "BinaryModule", id: id, blob: blob }; return node; } export function quoteModule(id, string) { if (id !== null && id !== undefined) { if (!(typeof id === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof id === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument id must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(id) || "unknown")); } } if (!(_typeof(string) === "object" && typeof string.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof string === "object" && typeof string.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "QuoteModule", id: id, string: string }; return node; } export function sectionMetadata(section, startOffset, size, vectorOfSize) { if (!(typeof startOffset === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof startOffset === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument startOffset must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(startOffset) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "SectionMetadata", section: section, startOffset: startOffset, size: size, vectorOfSize: vectorOfSize }; return node; } export function loopInstruction(label, resulttype, instr) { if (!(_typeof(instr) === "object" && typeof instr.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof instr === "object" && typeof instr.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "LoopInstruction", id: "loop", label: label, resulttype: resulttype, instr: instr }; return node; } export function instr(id, object, args, namedArgs) { if (!(typeof id === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof id === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument id must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(id) || "unknown")); } if (!(_typeof(args) === "object" && typeof args.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof args === "object" && typeof args.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Instr", id: id, args: args }; if (typeof object !== "undefined") { node.object = object; } if (typeof namedArgs !== "undefined" && Object.keys(namedArgs).length !== 0) { node.namedArgs = namedArgs; } return node; } export function ifInstruction(testLabel, test, result, consequent, alternate) { if (!(_typeof(test) === "object" && typeof test.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof test === "object" && typeof test.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (!(_typeof(consequent) === "object" && typeof consequent.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof consequent === "object" && typeof consequent.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (!(_typeof(alternate) === "object" && typeof alternate.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof alternate === "object" && typeof alternate.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "IfInstruction", id: "if", testLabel: testLabel, test: test, result: result, consequent: consequent, alternate: alternate }; return node; } export function stringLiteral(value) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "StringLiteral", value: value }; return node; } export function numberLiteral(value, raw) { if (!(typeof value === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } if (!(typeof raw === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof raw === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument raw must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(raw) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "NumberLiteral", value: value, raw: raw }; return node; } export function longNumberLiteral(value, raw) { if (!(typeof raw === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof raw === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument raw must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(raw) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "LongNumberLiteral", value: value, raw: raw }; return node; } export function floatLiteral(value, nan, inf, raw) { if (!(typeof value === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } if (nan !== null && nan !== undefined) { if (!(typeof nan === "boolean")) { throw new Error('typeof nan === "boolean"' + " error: " + ("Argument nan must be of type boolean, given: " + _typeof(nan) || "unknown")); } } if (inf !== null && inf !== undefined) { if (!(typeof inf === "boolean")) { throw new Error('typeof inf === "boolean"' + " error: " + ("Argument inf must be of type boolean, given: " + _typeof(inf) || "unknown")); } } if (!(typeof raw === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof raw === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument raw must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(raw) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "FloatLiteral", value: value, raw: raw }; if (nan === true) { node.nan = true; } if (inf === true) { node.inf = true; } return node; } export function elem(table, offset, funcs) { if (!(_typeof(offset) === "object" && typeof offset.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof offset === "object" && typeof offset.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (!(_typeof(funcs) === "object" && typeof funcs.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof funcs === "object" && typeof funcs.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Elem", table: table, offset: offset, funcs: funcs }; return node; } export function indexInFuncSection(index) { var node = { type: "IndexInFuncSection", index: index }; return node; } export function valtypeLiteral(name) { var node = { type: "ValtypeLiteral", name: name }; return node; } export function typeInstruction(id, functype) { var node = { type: "TypeInstruction", id: id, functype: functype }; return node; } export function start(index) { var node = { type: "Start", index: index }; return node; } export function globalType(valtype, mutability) { var node = { type: "GlobalType", valtype: valtype, mutability: mutability }; return node; } export function leadingComment(value) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "LeadingComment", value: value }; return node; } export function blockComment(value) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "BlockComment", value: value }; return node; } export function data(memoryIndex, offset, init) { var node = { type: "Data", memoryIndex: memoryIndex, offset: offset, init: init }; return node; } export function global(globalType, init, name) { if (!(_typeof(init) === "object" && typeof init.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof init === "object" && typeof init.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Global", globalType: globalType, init: init, name: name }; return node; } export function table(elementType, limits, name, elements) { if (!(limits.type === "Limit")) { throw new Error('limits.type === "Limit"' + " error: " + ("Argument limits must be of type Limit, given: " + limits.type || "unknown")); } if (elements !== null && elements !== undefined) { if (!(_typeof(elements) === "object" && typeof elements.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof elements === "object" && typeof elements.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "Table", elementType: elementType, limits: limits, name: name }; if (typeof elements !== "undefined" && elements.length > 0) { node.elements = elements; } return node; } export function memory(limits, id) { var node = { type: "Memory", limits: limits, id: id }; return node; } export function funcImportDescr(id, signature) { var node = { type: "FuncImportDescr", id: id, signature: signature }; return node; } export function moduleImport(module, name, descr) { if (!(typeof module === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof module === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument module must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(module) || "unknown")); } if (!(typeof name === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof name === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument name must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(name) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "ModuleImport", module: module, name: name, descr: descr }; return node; } export function moduleExportDescr(exportType, id) { var node = { type: "ModuleExportDescr", exportType: exportType, id: id }; return node; } export function moduleExport(name, descr) { if (!(typeof name === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof name === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument name must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(name) || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "ModuleExport", name: name, descr: descr }; return node; } export function limit(min, max) { if (!(typeof min === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof min === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument min must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(min) || "unknown")); } if (max !== null && max !== undefined) { if (!(typeof max === "number")) { throw new Error('typeof max === "number"' + " error: " + ("Argument max must be of type number, given: " + _typeof(max) || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "Limit", min: min }; if (typeof max !== "undefined") { node.max = max; } return node; } export function signature(params, results) { if (!(_typeof(params) === "object" && typeof params.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof params === "object" && typeof params.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (!(_typeof(results) === "object" && typeof results.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof results === "object" && typeof results.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Signature", params: params, results: results }; return node; } export function program(body) { if (!(_typeof(body) === "object" && typeof body.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof body === "object" && typeof body.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "Program", body: body }; return node; } export function identifier(value, raw) { if (!(typeof value === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof value === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument value must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(value) || "unknown")); } if (raw !== null && raw !== undefined) { if (!(typeof raw === "string")) { throw new Error('typeof raw === "string"' + " error: " + ("Argument raw must be of type string, given: " + _typeof(raw) || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "Identifier", value: value }; if (typeof raw !== "undefined") { node.raw = raw; } return node; } export function blockInstruction(label, instr, result) { if (!(_typeof(instr) === "object" && typeof instr.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof instr === "object" && typeof instr.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "BlockInstruction", id: "block", label: label, instr: instr, result: result }; return node; } export function callInstruction(index, instrArgs) { if (instrArgs !== null && instrArgs !== undefined) { if (!(_typeof(instrArgs) === "object" && typeof instrArgs.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof instrArgs === "object" && typeof instrArgs.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "CallInstruction", id: "call", index: index }; if (typeof instrArgs !== "undefined" && instrArgs.length > 0) { node.instrArgs = instrArgs; } return node; } export function callIndirectInstruction(signature, intrs) { if (intrs !== null && intrs !== undefined) { if (!(_typeof(intrs) === "object" && typeof intrs.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof intrs === "object" && typeof intrs.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "CallIndirectInstruction", id: "call_indirect", signature: signature }; if (typeof intrs !== "undefined" && intrs.length > 0) { node.intrs = intrs; } return node; } export function byteArray(values) { if (!(_typeof(values) === "object" && typeof values.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof values === "object" && typeof values.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } var node = { type: "ByteArray", values: values }; return node; } export function func(name, signature, body, isExternal, metadata) { if (!(_typeof(body) === "object" && typeof body.length !== "undefined")) { throw new Error('typeof body === "object" && typeof body.length !== "undefined"' + " error: " + (undefined || "unknown")); } if (isExternal !== null && isExternal !== undefined) { if (!(typeof isExternal === "boolean")) { throw new Error('typeof isExternal === "boolean"' + " error: " + ("Argument isExternal must be of type boolean, given: " + _typeof(isExternal) || "unknown")); } } var node = { type: "Func", name: name, signature: signature, body: body }; if (isExternal === true) { node.isExternal = true; } if (typeof metadata !== "undefined") { node.metadata = metadata; } return node; } export var isModule = isTypeOf("Module"); export var isModuleMetadata = isTypeOf("ModuleMetadata"); export var isModuleNameMetadata = isTypeOf("ModuleNameMetadata"); export var isFunctionNameMetadata = isTypeOf("FunctionNameMetadata"); export var isLocalNameMetadata = isTypeOf("LocalNameMetadata"); export var isBinaryModule = isTypeOf("BinaryModule"); export var isQuoteModule = isTypeOf("QuoteModule"); export var isSectionMetadata = isTypeOf("SectionMetadata"); export var isLoopInstruction = isTypeOf("LoopInstruction"); export var isInstr = isTypeOf("Instr"); export var isIfInstruction = isTypeOf("IfInstruction"); export var isStringLiteral = isTypeOf("StringLiteral"); export var isNumberLiteral = isTypeOf("NumberLiteral"); export var isLongNumberLiteral = isTypeOf("LongNumberLiteral"); export var isFloatLiteral = isTypeOf("FloatLiteral"); export var isElem = isTypeOf("Elem"); export var isIndexInFuncSection = isTypeOf("IndexInFuncSection"); export var isValtypeLiteral = isTypeOf("ValtypeLiteral"); export var isTypeInstruction = isTypeOf("TypeInstruction"); export var isStart = isTypeOf("Start"); export var isGlobalType = isTypeOf("GlobalType"); export var isLeadingComment = isTypeOf("LeadingComment"); export var isBlockComment = isTypeOf("BlockComment"); export var isData = isTypeOf("Data"); export var isGlobal = isTypeOf("Global"); export var isTable = isTypeOf("Table"); export var isMemory = isTypeOf("Memory"); export var isFuncImportDescr = isTypeOf("FuncImportDescr"); export var isModuleImport = isTypeOf("ModuleImport"); export var isModuleExportDescr = isTypeOf("ModuleExportDescr"); export var isModuleExport = isTypeOf("ModuleExport"); export var isLimit = isTypeOf("Limit"); export var isSignature = isTypeOf("Signature"); export var isProgram = isTypeOf("Program"); export var isIdentifier = isTypeOf("Identifier"); export var isBlockInstruction = isTypeOf("BlockInstruction"); export var isCallInstruction = isTypeOf("CallInstruction"); export var isCallIndirectInstruction = isTypeOf("CallIndirectInstruction"); export var isByteArray = isTypeOf("ByteArray"); export var isFunc = isTypeOf("Func"); export var isNode = function isNode(node) { return isModule(node) || isModuleMetadata(node) || isModuleNameMetadata(node) || isFunctionNameMetadata(node) || isLocalNameMetadata(node) || isBinaryModule(node) || isQuoteModule(node) || isSectionMetadata(node) || isLoopInstruction(node) || isInstr(node) || isIfInstruction(node) || isStringLiteral(node) || isNumberLiteral(node) || isLongNumberLiteral(node) || isFloatLiteral(node) || isElem(node) || isIndexInFuncSection(node) || isValtypeLiteral(node) || isTypeInstruction(node) || isStart(node) || isGlobalType(node) || isLeadingComment(node) || isBlockComment(node) || isData(node) || isGlobal(node) || isTable(node) || isMemory(node) || isFuncImportDescr(node) || isModuleImport(node) || isModuleExportDescr(node) || isModuleExport(node) || isLimit(node) || isSignature(node) || isProgram(node) || isIdentifier(node) || isBlockInstruction(node) || isCallInstruction(node) || isCallIndirectInstruction(node) || isByteArray(node) || isFunc(node); }; export var isBlock = function isBlock(node) { return isLoopInstruction(node) || isBlockInstruction(node) || isFunc(node); }; export var isInstruction = function isInstruction(node) { return isLoopInstruction(node) || isInstr(node) || isIfInstruction(node) || isTypeInstruction(node) || isBlockInstruction(node) || isCallInstruction(node) || isCallIndirectInstruction(node); }; export var isExpression = function isExpression(node) { return isInstr(node) || isStringLiteral(node) || isNumberLiteral(node) || isLongNumberLiteral(node) || isFloatLiteral(node) || isValtypeLiteral(node) || isIdentifier(node); }; export var isNumericLiteral = function isNumericLiteral(node) { return isNumberLiteral(node) || isLongNumberLiteral(node) || isFloatLiteral(node); }; export var isImportDescr = function isImportDescr(node) { return isGlobalType(node) || isTable(node) || isMemory(node) || isFuncImportDescr(node); }; export var assertModule = assertTypeOf("Module"); export var assertModuleMetadata = assertTypeOf("ModuleMetadata"); export var assertModuleNameMetadata = assertTypeOf("ModuleNameMetadata"); export var assertFunctionNameMetadata = assertTypeOf("FunctionNameMetadata"); export var assertLocalNameMetadata = assertTypeOf("LocalNameMetadata"); export var assertBinaryModule = assertTypeOf("BinaryModule"); export var assertQuoteModule = assertTypeOf("QuoteModule"); export var assertSectionMetadata = assertTypeOf("SectionMetadata"); export var assertLoopInstruction = assertTypeOf("LoopInstruction"); export var assertInstr = assertTypeOf("Instr"); export var assertIfInstruction = assertTypeOf("IfInstruction"); export var assertStringLiteral = assertTypeOf("StringLiteral"); export var assertNumberLiteral = assertTypeOf("NumberLiteral"); export var assertLongNumberLiteral = assertTypeOf("LongNumberLiteral"); export var assertFloatLiteral = assertTypeOf("FloatLiteral"); export var assertElem = assertTypeOf("Elem"); export var assertIndexInFuncSection = assertTypeOf("IndexInFuncSection"); export var assertValtypeLiteral = assertTypeOf("ValtypeLiteral"); export var assertTypeInstruction = assertTypeOf("TypeInstruction"); export var assertStart = assertTypeOf("Start"); export var assertGlobalType = assertTypeOf("GlobalType"); export var assertLeadingComment = assertTypeOf("LeadingComment"); export var assertBlockComment = assertTypeOf("BlockComment"); export var assertData = assertTypeOf("Data"); export var assertGlobal = assertTypeOf("Global"); export var assertTable = assertTypeOf("Table"); export var assertMemory = assertTypeOf("Memory"); export var assertFuncImportDescr = assertTypeOf("FuncImportDescr"); export var assertModuleImport = assertTypeOf("ModuleImport"); export var assertModuleExportDescr = assertTypeOf("ModuleExportDescr"); export var assertModuleExport = assertTypeOf("ModuleExport"); export var assertLimit = assertTypeOf("Limit"); export var assertSignature = assertTypeOf("Signature"); export var assertProgram = assertTypeOf("Program"); export var assertIdentifier = assertTypeOf("Identifier"); export var assertBlockInstruction = assertTypeOf("BlockInstruction"); export var assertCallInstruction = assertTypeOf("CallInstruction"); export var assertCallIndirectInstruction = assertTypeOf("CallIndirectInstruction"); export var assertByteArray = assertTypeOf("ByteArray"); export var assertFunc = assertTypeOf("Func"); export var unionTypesMap = { Module: ["Node"], ModuleMetadata: ["Node"], ModuleNameMetadata: ["Node"], FunctionNameMetadata: ["Node"], LocalNameMetadata: ["Node"], BinaryModule: ["Node"], QuoteModule: ["Node"], SectionMetadata: ["Node"], LoopInstruction: ["Node", "Block", "Instruction"], Instr: ["Node", "Expression", "Instruction"], IfInstruction: ["Node", "Instruction"], StringLiteral: ["Node", "Expression"], NumberLiteral: ["Node", "NumericLiteral", "Expression"], LongNumberLiteral: ["Node", "NumericLiteral", "Expression"], FloatLiteral: ["Node", "NumericLiteral", "Expression"], Elem: ["Node"], IndexInFuncSection: ["Node"], ValtypeLiteral: ["Node", "Expression"], TypeInstruction: ["Node", "Instruction"], Start: ["Node"], GlobalType: ["Node", "ImportDescr"], LeadingComment: ["Node"], BlockComment: ["Node"], Data: ["Node"], Global: ["Node"], Table: ["Node", "ImportDescr"], Memory: ["Node", "ImportDescr"], FuncImportDescr: ["Node", "ImportDescr"], ModuleImport: ["Node"], ModuleExportDescr: ["Node"], ModuleExport: ["Node"], Limit: ["Node"], Signature: ["Node"], Program: ["Node"], Identifier: ["Node", "Expression"], BlockInstruction: ["Node", "Block", "Instruction"], CallInstruction: ["Node", "Instruction"], CallIndirectInstruction: ["Node", "Instruction"], ByteArray: ["Node"], Func: ["Node", "Block"] }; export var nodeAndUnionTypes = ["Module", "ModuleMetadata", "ModuleNameMetadata", "FunctionNameMetadata", "LocalNameMetadata", "BinaryModule", "QuoteModule", "SectionMetadata", "LoopInstruction", "Instr", "IfInstruction", "StringLiteral", "NumberLiteral", "LongNumberLiteral", "FloatLiteral", "Elem", "IndexInFuncSection", "ValtypeLiteral", "TypeInstruction", "Start", "GlobalType", "LeadingComment", "BlockComment", "Data", "Global", "Table", "Memory", "FuncImportDescr", "ModuleImport", "ModuleExportDescr", "ModuleExport", "Limit", "Signature", "Program", "Identifier", "BlockInstruction", "CallInstruction", "CallIndirectInstruction", "ByteArray", "Func", "Node", "Block", "Instruction", "Expression", "NumericLiteral", "ImportDescr"];