"use strict";

var babylonToEspree = require("./babylon-to-espree");
var parse = require("babylon").parse;
var tt = require("babylon").tokTypes;
var traverse = require("@babel/traverse").default;
var codeFrameColumns = require("@babel/code-frame").codeFrameColumns;

module.exports = function(code, options) {
  var opts = {
    codeFrame: options.hasOwnProperty("codeFrame") ? options.codeFrame : true,
    sourceType: options.sourceType,
    allowImportExportEverywhere: options.allowImportExportEverywhere, // consistent with espree
    allowReturnOutsideFunction: true,
    allowSuperOutsideMethod: true,
    ranges: true,
    tokens: true,
    plugins: [

  var ast;
  try {
    ast = parse(code, opts);
  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof SyntaxError) {
      err.lineNumber = err.loc.line;
      err.column = err.loc.column;

      if (opts.codeFrame) {
        err.lineNumber = err.loc.line;
        err.column = err.loc.column + 1;

        // remove trailing "(LINE:COLUMN)" acorn message and add in esprima syntax error message start
        err.message =
          "Line " +
          err.lineNumber +
          ": " +
          err.message.replace(/ \((\d+):(\d+)\)$/, "") +
          // add codeframe
          "\n\n" +
              start: {
                line: err.lineNumber,
                column: err.column,
            { highlightCode: true }

    throw err;

  babylonToEspree(ast, traverse, tt, code);

  return ast;