* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

var echarts = require("../../echarts");

var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util");

var graphic = require("../../util/graphic");

var DataDiffer = require("../../data/DataDiffer");

var helper = require("../helper/treeHelper");

var Breadcrumb = require("./Breadcrumb");

var RoamController = require("../../component/helper/RoamController");

var BoundingRect = require("zrender/lib/core/BoundingRect");

var matrix = require("zrender/lib/core/matrix");

var animationUtil = require("../../util/animation");

var makeStyleMapper = require("../../model/mixin/makeStyleMapper");

var _format = require("../../util/format");

var windowOpen = _format.windowOpen;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var bind = zrUtil.bind;
var Group = graphic.Group;
var Rect = graphic.Rect;
var each = zrUtil.each;
var PATH_LABEL_NOAMAL = ['label'];
var PATH_LABEL_EMPHASIS = ['emphasis', 'label'];
var PATH_UPPERLABEL_NORMAL = ['upperLabel'];
var PATH_UPPERLABEL_EMPHASIS = ['emphasis', 'upperLabel'];
var Z_BASE = 10; // Should bigger than every z.

var Z_BG = 1;
var Z_CONTENT = 2;
var getItemStyleEmphasis = makeStyleMapper([['fill', 'color'], // `borderColor` and `borderWidth` has been occupied,
// so use `stroke` to indicate the stroke of the rect.
['stroke', 'strokeColor'], ['lineWidth', 'strokeWidth'], ['shadowBlur'], ['shadowOffsetX'], ['shadowOffsetY'], ['shadowColor']]);

var getItemStyleNormal = function (model) {
  // Normal style props should include emphasis style props.
  var itemStyle = getItemStyleEmphasis(model); // Clear styles set by emphasis.

  itemStyle.stroke = itemStyle.fill = itemStyle.lineWidth = null;
  return itemStyle;

var _default = echarts.extendChartView({
  type: 'treemap',

   * @override
  init: function (o, api) {
     * @private
     * @type {module:zrender/container/Group}
     * @private
     * @type {Object.<string, Array.<module:zrender/container/Group>>}

    this._storage = createStorage();
     * @private
     * @type {module:echarts/data/Tree}

     * @private
     * @type {module:echarts/chart/treemap/Breadcrumb}

     * @private
     * @type {module:echarts/component/helper/RoamController}

     * 'ready', 'animating'
     * @private

    this._state = 'ready';

   * @override
  render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) {
    var models = ecModel.findComponents({
      mainType: 'series',
      subType: 'treemap',
      query: payload

    if (zrUtil.indexOf(models, seriesModel) < 0) {

    this.seriesModel = seriesModel;
    this.api = api;
    this.ecModel = ecModel;
    var types = ['treemapZoomToNode', 'treemapRootToNode'];
    var targetInfo = helper.retrieveTargetInfo(payload, types, seriesModel);
    var payloadType = payload && payload.type;
    var layoutInfo = seriesModel.layoutInfo;
    var isInit = !this._oldTree;
    var thisStorage = this._storage; // Mark new root when action is treemapRootToNode.

    var reRoot = payloadType === 'treemapRootToNode' && targetInfo && thisStorage ? {
      rootNodeGroup: thisStorage.nodeGroup[targetInfo.node.getRawIndex()],
      direction: payload.direction
    } : null;

    var containerGroup = this._giveContainerGroup(layoutInfo);

    var renderResult = this._doRender(containerGroup, seriesModel, reRoot);

    !isInit && (!payloadType || payloadType === 'treemapZoomToNode' || payloadType === 'treemapRootToNode') ? this._doAnimation(containerGroup, renderResult, seriesModel, reRoot) : renderResult.renderFinally();


    this._renderBreadcrumb(seriesModel, api, targetInfo);

   * @private
  _giveContainerGroup: function (layoutInfo) {
    var containerGroup = this._containerGroup;

    if (!containerGroup) {
      // FIXME
      // 加一层containerGroup是为了clip,但是现在clip功能并没有实现。
      containerGroup = this._containerGroup = new Group();



    containerGroup.attr('position', [layoutInfo.x, layoutInfo.y]);
    return containerGroup;

   * @private
  _doRender: function (containerGroup, seriesModel, reRoot) {
    var thisTree = seriesModel.getData().tree;
    var oldTree = this._oldTree; // Clear last shape records.

    var lastsForAnimation = createStorage();
    var thisStorage = createStorage();
    var oldStorage = this._storage;
    var willInvisibleEls = [];
    var doRenderNode = zrUtil.curry(renderNode, seriesModel, thisStorage, oldStorage, reRoot, lastsForAnimation, willInvisibleEls); // Notice: when thisTree and oldTree are the same tree (see list.cloneShallow),
    // the oldTree is actually losted, so we can not find all of the old graphic
    // elements from tree. So we use this stragegy: make element storage, move
    // from old storage to new storage, clear old storage.

    dualTravel(thisTree.root ? [thisTree.root] : [], oldTree && oldTree.root ? [oldTree.root] : [], containerGroup, thisTree === oldTree || !oldTree, 0); // Process all removing.

    var willDeleteEls = clearStorage(oldStorage);
    this._oldTree = thisTree;
    this._storage = thisStorage;
    return {
      lastsForAnimation: lastsForAnimation,
      willDeleteEls: willDeleteEls,
      renderFinally: renderFinally

    function dualTravel(thisViewChildren, oldViewChildren, parentGroup, sameTree, depth) {
      // When 'render' is triggered by action,
      // 'this' and 'old' may be the same tree,
      // we use rawIndex in that case.
      if (sameTree) {
        oldViewChildren = thisViewChildren;
        each(thisViewChildren, function (child, index) {
          !child.isRemoved() && processNode(index, index);
      } // Diff hierarchically (diff only in each subtree, but not whole).
      // because, consistency of view is important.
      else {
          new DataDiffer(oldViewChildren, thisViewChildren, getKey, getKey).add(processNode).update(processNode).remove(zrUtil.curry(processNode, null)).execute();

      function getKey(node) {
        // Identify by name or raw index.
        return node.getId();

      function processNode(newIndex, oldIndex) {
        var thisNode = newIndex != null ? thisViewChildren[newIndex] : null;
        var oldNode = oldIndex != null ? oldViewChildren[oldIndex] : null;
        var group = doRenderNode(thisNode, oldNode, parentGroup, depth);
        group && dualTravel(thisNode && thisNode.viewChildren || [], oldNode && oldNode.viewChildren || [], group, sameTree, depth + 1);

    function clearStorage(storage) {
      var willDeleteEls = createStorage();
      storage && each(storage, function (store, storageName) {
        var delEls = willDeleteEls[storageName];
        each(store, function (el) {
          el && (delEls.push(el), el.__tmWillDelete = 1);
      return willDeleteEls;

    function renderFinally() {
      each(willDeleteEls, function (els) {
        each(els, function (el) {
          el.parent && el.parent.remove(el);
      each(willInvisibleEls, function (el) {
        el.invisible = true; // Setting invisible is for optimizing, so no need to set dirty,
        // just mark as invisible.


   * @private
  _doAnimation: function (containerGroup, renderResult, seriesModel, reRoot) {
    if (!seriesModel.get('animation')) {

    var duration = seriesModel.get('animationDurationUpdate');
    var easing = seriesModel.get('animationEasing');
    var animationWrap = animationUtil.createWrap(); // Make delete animations.

    each(renderResult.willDeleteEls, function (store, storageName) {
      each(store, function (el, rawIndex) {
        if (el.invisible) {

        var parent = el.parent; // Always has parent, and parent is nodeGroup.

        var target;

        if (reRoot && reRoot.direction === 'drillDown') {
          target = parent === reRoot.rootNodeGroup // This is the content element of view root.
          // Only `content` will enter this branch, because
          // `background` and `nodeGroup` will not be deleted.
          ? {
            shape: {
              x: 0,
              y: 0,
              width: parent.__tmNodeWidth,
              height: parent.__tmNodeHeight
            style: {
              opacity: 0
            } // Others.

          } : {
            style: {
              opacity: 0
        } else {
          var targetX = 0;
          var targetY = 0;

          if (!parent.__tmWillDelete) {
            // Let node animate to right-bottom corner, cooperating with fadeout,
            // which is appropriate for user understanding.
            // Divided by 2 for reRoot rolling up effect.
            targetX = parent.__tmNodeWidth / 2;
            targetY = parent.__tmNodeHeight / 2;

          target = storageName === 'nodeGroup' ? {
            position: [targetX, targetY],
            style: {
              opacity: 0
          } : {
            shape: {
              x: targetX,
              y: targetY,
              width: 0,
              height: 0
            style: {
              opacity: 0

        target && animationWrap.add(el, target, duration, easing);
    }); // Make other animations

    each(this._storage, function (store, storageName) {
      each(store, function (el, rawIndex) {
        var last = renderResult.lastsForAnimation[storageName][rawIndex];
        var target = {};

        if (!last) {

        if (storageName === 'nodeGroup') {
          if (last.old) {
            target.position = el.position.slice();
            el.attr('position', last.old);
        } else {
          if (last.old) {
            target.shape = zrUtil.extend({}, el.shape);

          if (last.fadein) {
            el.setStyle('opacity', 0);
            target.style = {
              opacity: 1
          } // When animation is stopped for succedent animation starting,
          // el.style.opacity might not be 1
          else if (el.style.opacity !== 1) {
              target.style = {
                opacity: 1

        animationWrap.add(el, target, duration, easing);
    }, this);
    this._state = 'animating';
    animationWrap.done(bind(function () {
      this._state = 'ready';
    }, this)).start();

   * @private
  _resetController: function (api) {
    var controller = this._controller; // Init controller.

    if (!controller) {
      controller = this._controller = new RoamController(api.getZr());
      controller.on('pan', bind(this._onPan, this));
      controller.on('zoom', bind(this._onZoom, this));

    var rect = new BoundingRect(0, 0, api.getWidth(), api.getHeight());
    controller.setPointerChecker(function (e, x, y) {
      return rect.contain(x, y);

   * @private
  _clearController: function () {
    var controller = this._controller;

    if (controller) {
      controller = null;

   * @private
  _onPan: function (e) {
    if (this._state !== 'animating' && (Math.abs(e.dx) > DRAG_THRESHOLD || Math.abs(e.dy) > DRAG_THRESHOLD)) {
      // These param must not be cached.
      var root = this.seriesModel.getData().tree.root;

      if (!root) {

      var rootLayout = root.getLayout();

      if (!rootLayout) {

        type: 'treemapMove',
        from: this.uid,
        seriesId: this.seriesModel.id,
        rootRect: {
          x: rootLayout.x + e.dx,
          y: rootLayout.y + e.dy,
          width: rootLayout.width,
          height: rootLayout.height

   * @private
  _onZoom: function (e) {
    var mouseX = e.originX;
    var mouseY = e.originY;

    if (this._state !== 'animating') {
      // These param must not be cached.
      var root = this.seriesModel.getData().tree.root;

      if (!root) {

      var rootLayout = root.getLayout();

      if (!rootLayout) {

      var rect = new BoundingRect(rootLayout.x, rootLayout.y, rootLayout.width, rootLayout.height);
      var layoutInfo = this.seriesModel.layoutInfo; // Transform mouse coord from global to containerGroup.

      mouseX -= layoutInfo.x;
      mouseY -= layoutInfo.y; // Scale root bounding rect.

      var m = matrix.create();
      matrix.translate(m, m, [-mouseX, -mouseY]);
      matrix.scale(m, m, [e.scale, e.scale]);
      matrix.translate(m, m, [mouseX, mouseY]);
        type: 'treemapRender',
        from: this.uid,
        seriesId: this.seriesModel.id,
        rootRect: {
          x: rect.x,
          y: rect.y,
          width: rect.width,
          height: rect.height

   * @private
  _initEvents: function (containerGroup) {
    containerGroup.on('click', function (e) {
      if (this._state !== 'ready') {

      var nodeClick = this.seriesModel.get('nodeClick', true);

      if (!nodeClick) {

      var targetInfo = this.findTarget(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);

      if (!targetInfo) {

      var node = targetInfo.node;

      if (node.getLayout().isLeafRoot) {
      } else {
        if (nodeClick === 'zoomToNode') {
        } else if (nodeClick === 'link') {
          var itemModel = node.hostTree.data.getItemModel(node.dataIndex);
          var link = itemModel.get('link', true);
          var linkTarget = itemModel.get('target', true) || 'blank';
          link && windowOpen(link, linkTarget);
    }, this);

   * @private
  _renderBreadcrumb: function (seriesModel, api, targetInfo) {
    if (!targetInfo) {
      targetInfo = seriesModel.get('leafDepth', true) != null ? {
        node: seriesModel.getViewRoot() // FIXME
        // better way?
        // Find breadcrumb tail on center of containerGroup.

      } : this.findTarget(api.getWidth() / 2, api.getHeight() / 2);

      if (!targetInfo) {
        targetInfo = {
          node: seriesModel.getData().tree.root

    (this._breadcrumb || (this._breadcrumb = new Breadcrumb(this.group))).render(seriesModel, api, targetInfo.node, bind(onSelect, this));

    function onSelect(node) {
      if (this._state !== 'animating') {
        helper.aboveViewRoot(seriesModel.getViewRoot(), node) ? this._rootToNode({
          node: node
        }) : this._zoomToNode({
          node: node

   * @override
  remove: function () {

    this._containerGroup && this._containerGroup.removeAll();
    this._storage = createStorage();
    this._state = 'ready';
    this._breadcrumb && this._breadcrumb.remove();
  dispose: function () {

   * @private
  _zoomToNode: function (targetInfo) {
      type: 'treemapZoomToNode',
      from: this.uid,
      seriesId: this.seriesModel.id,
      targetNode: targetInfo.node

   * @private
  _rootToNode: function (targetInfo) {
      type: 'treemapRootToNode',
      from: this.uid,
      seriesId: this.seriesModel.id,
      targetNode: targetInfo.node

   * @public
   * @param {number} x Global coord x.
   * @param {number} y Global coord y.
   * @return {Object} info If not found, return undefined;
   * @return {number} info.node Target node.
   * @return {number} info.offsetX x refer to target node.
   * @return {number} info.offsetY y refer to target node.
  findTarget: function (x, y) {
    var targetInfo;
    var viewRoot = this.seriesModel.getViewRoot();
      attr: 'viewChildren',
      order: 'preorder'
    }, function (node) {
      var bgEl = this._storage.background[node.getRawIndex()]; // If invisible, there might be no element.

      if (bgEl) {
        var point = bgEl.transformCoordToLocal(x, y);
        var shape = bgEl.shape; // For performance consideration, dont use 'getBoundingRect'.

        if (shape.x <= point[0] && point[0] <= shape.x + shape.width && shape.y <= point[1] && point[1] <= shape.y + shape.height) {
          targetInfo = {
            node: node,
            offsetX: point[0],
            offsetY: point[1]
        } else {
          return false; // Suppress visit subtree.
    }, this);
    return targetInfo;
 * @inner

function createStorage() {
  return {
    nodeGroup: [],
    background: [],
    content: []
 * @inner
 * @return Return undefined means do not travel further.

function renderNode(seriesModel, thisStorage, oldStorage, reRoot, lastsForAnimation, willInvisibleEls, thisNode, oldNode, parentGroup, depth) {
  // Whether under viewRoot.
  if (!thisNode) {
    // Deleting nodes will be performed finally. This method just find
    // element from old storage, or create new element, set them to new
    // storage, and set styles.
  } // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Start of closure variables available in "Procedures in renderNode".

  var thisLayout = thisNode.getLayout();
  var data = seriesModel.getData(); // Only for enabling highlight/downplay. Clear firstly.
  // Because some node will not be rendered.

  data.setItemGraphicEl(thisNode.dataIndex, null);

  if (!thisLayout || !thisLayout.isInView) {

  var thisWidth = thisLayout.width;
  var thisHeight = thisLayout.height;
  var borderWidth = thisLayout.borderWidth;
  var thisInvisible = thisLayout.invisible;
  var thisRawIndex = thisNode.getRawIndex();
  var oldRawIndex = oldNode && oldNode.getRawIndex();
  var thisViewChildren = thisNode.viewChildren;
  var upperHeight = thisLayout.upperHeight;
  var isParent = thisViewChildren && thisViewChildren.length;
  var itemStyleNormalModel = thisNode.getModel('itemStyle');
  var itemStyleEmphasisModel = thisNode.getModel('emphasis.itemStyle'); // End of closure ariables available in "Procedures in renderNode".
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // Node group

  var group = giveGraphic('nodeGroup', Group);

  if (!group) {

  parentGroup.add(group); // x,y are not set when el is above view root.

  group.attr('position', [thisLayout.x || 0, thisLayout.y || 0]);
  group.__tmNodeWidth = thisWidth;
  group.__tmNodeHeight = thisHeight;

  if (thisLayout.isAboveViewRoot) {
    return group;

  var nodeModel = thisNode.getModel(); // Background

  var bg = giveGraphic('background', Rect, depth, Z_BG);
  bg && renderBackground(group, bg, isParent && thisLayout.upperLabelHeight); // No children, render content.

  if (isParent) {
    // Because of the implementation about "traverse" in graphic hover style, we
    // can not set hover listener on the "group" of non-leaf node. Otherwise the
    // hover event from the descendents will be listenered.
    if (graphic.isHighDownDispatcher(group)) {
      graphic.setAsHighDownDispatcher(group, false);

    if (bg) {
      graphic.setAsHighDownDispatcher(bg, true); // Only for enabling highlight/downplay.

      data.setItemGraphicEl(thisNode.dataIndex, bg);
  } else {
    var content = giveGraphic('content', Rect, depth, Z_CONTENT);
    content && renderContent(group, content);

    if (bg && graphic.isHighDownDispatcher(bg)) {
      graphic.setAsHighDownDispatcher(bg, false);

    graphic.setAsHighDownDispatcher(group, true); // Only for enabling highlight/downplay.

    data.setItemGraphicEl(thisNode.dataIndex, group);

  return group; // ----------------------------
  // | Procedures in renderNode |
  // ----------------------------

  function renderBackground(group, bg, useUpperLabel) {
    // For tooltip.
    bg.dataIndex = thisNode.dataIndex;
    bg.seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex;
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      width: thisWidth,
      height: thisHeight

    if (thisInvisible) {
      // If invisible, do not set visual, otherwise the element will
      // change immediately before animation. We think it is OK to
      // remain its origin color when moving out of the view window.
    } else {
      bg.invisible = false;
      var visualBorderColor = thisNode.getVisual('borderColor', true);
      var emphasisBorderColor = itemStyleEmphasisModel.get('borderColor');
      var normalStyle = getItemStyleNormal(itemStyleNormalModel);
      normalStyle.fill = visualBorderColor;
      var emphasisStyle = getItemStyleEmphasis(itemStyleEmphasisModel);
      emphasisStyle.fill = emphasisBorderColor;

      if (useUpperLabel) {
        var upperLabelWidth = thisWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
        prepareText(normalStyle, emphasisStyle, visualBorderColor, upperLabelWidth, upperHeight, {
          x: borderWidth,
          y: 0,
          width: upperLabelWidth,
          height: upperHeight
      } // For old bg.
      else {
          normalStyle.text = emphasisStyle.text = null;

      graphic.setElementHoverStyle(bg, emphasisStyle);


  function renderContent(group, content) {
    // For tooltip.
    content.dataIndex = thisNode.dataIndex;
    content.seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex;
    var contentWidth = Math.max(thisWidth - 2 * borderWidth, 0);
    var contentHeight = Math.max(thisHeight - 2 * borderWidth, 0);
    content.culling = true;
      x: borderWidth,
      y: borderWidth,
      width: contentWidth,
      height: contentHeight

    if (thisInvisible) {
      // If invisible, do not set visual, otherwise the element will
      // change immediately before animation. We think it is OK to
      // remain its origin color when moving out of the view window.
    } else {
      content.invisible = false;
      var visualColor = thisNode.getVisual('color', true);
      var normalStyle = getItemStyleNormal(itemStyleNormalModel);
      normalStyle.fill = visualColor;
      var emphasisStyle = getItemStyleEmphasis(itemStyleEmphasisModel);
      prepareText(normalStyle, emphasisStyle, visualColor, contentWidth, contentHeight);
      graphic.setElementHoverStyle(content, emphasisStyle);


  function processInvisible(element) {
    // Delay invisible setting utill animation finished,
    // avoid element vanish suddenly before animation.
    !element.invisible && willInvisibleEls.push(element);

  function prepareText(normalStyle, emphasisStyle, visualColor, width, height, upperLabelRect) {
    var defaultText = nodeModel.get('name');
    var normalLabelModel = nodeModel.getModel(upperLabelRect ? PATH_UPPERLABEL_NORMAL : PATH_LABEL_NOAMAL);
    var emphasisLabelModel = nodeModel.getModel(upperLabelRect ? PATH_UPPERLABEL_EMPHASIS : PATH_LABEL_EMPHASIS);
    var isShow = normalLabelModel.getShallow('show');
    graphic.setLabelStyle(normalStyle, emphasisStyle, normalLabelModel, emphasisLabelModel, {
      defaultText: isShow ? defaultText : null,
      autoColor: visualColor,
      isRectText: true,
      labelFetcher: seriesModel,
      labelDataIndex: thisNode.dataIndex,
      labelProp: upperLabelRect ? 'upperLabel' : 'label'
    addDrillDownIcon(normalStyle, upperLabelRect, thisLayout);
    addDrillDownIcon(emphasisStyle, upperLabelRect, thisLayout);
    upperLabelRect && (normalStyle.textRect = zrUtil.clone(upperLabelRect));
    normalStyle.truncate = isShow && normalLabelModel.get('ellipsis') ? {
      outerWidth: width,
      outerHeight: height,
      minChar: 2
    } : null;

  function addDrillDownIcon(style, upperLabelRect, thisLayout) {
    var text = style.text;

    if (!upperLabelRect && thisLayout.isLeafRoot && text != null) {
      var iconChar = seriesModel.get('drillDownIcon', true);
      style.text = iconChar ? iconChar + ' ' + text : text;

  function giveGraphic(storageName, Ctor, depth, z) {
    var element = oldRawIndex != null && oldStorage[storageName][oldRawIndex];
    var lasts = lastsForAnimation[storageName];

    if (element) {
      // Remove from oldStorage
      oldStorage[storageName][oldRawIndex] = null;
      prepareAnimationWhenHasOld(lasts, element, storageName);
    } // If invisible and no old element, do not create new element (for optimizing).
    else if (!thisInvisible) {
        element = new Ctor({
          z: calculateZ(depth, z)
        element.__tmDepth = depth;
        element.__tmStorageName = storageName;
        prepareAnimationWhenNoOld(lasts, element, storageName);
      } // Set to thisStorage

    return thisStorage[storageName][thisRawIndex] = element;

  function prepareAnimationWhenHasOld(lasts, element, storageName) {
    var lastCfg = lasts[thisRawIndex] = {};
    lastCfg.old = storageName === 'nodeGroup' ? element.position.slice() : zrUtil.extend({}, element.shape);
  } // If a element is new, we need to find the animation start point carefully,
  // otherwise it will looks strange when 'zoomToNode'.

  function prepareAnimationWhenNoOld(lasts, element, storageName) {
    var lastCfg = lasts[thisRawIndex] = {};
    var parentNode = thisNode.parentNode;

    if (parentNode && (!reRoot || reRoot.direction === 'drillDown')) {
      var parentOldX = 0;
      var parentOldY = 0; // New nodes appear from right-bottom corner in 'zoomToNode' animation.
      // For convenience, get old bounding rect from background.

      var parentOldBg = lastsForAnimation.background[parentNode.getRawIndex()];

      if (!reRoot && parentOldBg && parentOldBg.old) {
        parentOldX = parentOldBg.old.width;
        parentOldY = parentOldBg.old.height;
      } // When no parent old shape found, its parent is new too,
      // so we can just use {x:0, y:0}.

      lastCfg.old = storageName === 'nodeGroup' ? [0, parentOldY] : {
        x: parentOldX,
        y: parentOldY,
        width: 0,
        height: 0
    } // Fade in, user can be aware that these nodes are new.

    lastCfg.fadein = storageName !== 'nodeGroup';
} // We can not set all backgroud with the same z, Because the behaviour of
// drill down and roll up differ background creation sequence from tree
// hierarchy sequence, which cause that lowser background element overlap
// upper ones. So we calculate z based on depth.
// Moreover, we try to shrink down z interval to [0, 1] to avoid that
// treemap with large z overlaps other components.

function calculateZ(depth, zInLevel) {
  var zb = depth * Z_BASE + zInLevel;
  return (zb - 1) / zb;

module.exports = _default;