'use strict'; module.exports = function (includes, t) { var sparseish = { length: 5, 0: 'a', 1: 'b' }; var overfullarrayish = { length: 2, 0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c' }; var thrower = { valueOf: function () { throw new RangeError('whoa'); } }; var numberish = { valueOf: function () { return 2; } }; t.test('simple examples', function (st) { st.equal(true, includes([1, 2, 3], 1), '[1, 2, 3] includes 1'); st.equal(false, includes([1, 2, 3], 4), '[1, 2, 3] does not include 4'); st.equal(true, includes([NaN], NaN), '[NaN] includes NaN'); st.end(); }); t.test('does not skip holes', function (st) { st.equal(true, includes(Array(1)), 'Array(1) includes undefined'); st.end(); }); t.test('exceptions', function (et) { et.test('fromIndex conversion', function (st) { st.throws(includes.bind(null, [0], 0, thrower), RangeError, 'fromIndex conversion throws'); st.end(); }); et.test('ToLength', function (st) { st.throws(includes.bind(null, { length: thrower, 0: true }, true), RangeError, 'ToLength conversion throws'); st.end(); }); et.end(); }); t.test('arraylike', function (st) { st.equal(true, includes(sparseish, 'a'), 'sparse array-like object includes "a"'); st.equal(false, includes(sparseish, 'c'), 'sparse array-like object does not include "c"'); st.equal(true, includes(overfullarrayish, 'b'), 'sparse array-like object includes "b"'); st.equal(false, includes(overfullarrayish, 'c'), 'sparse array-like object does not include "c"'); st.end(); }); t.test('fromIndex', function (ft) { ft.equal(true, includes([1], 1, NaN), 'NaN fromIndex -> 0 fromIndex'); ft.test('number coercion', function (st) { st.equal(false, includes(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a', numberish), 'does not find "a" with object fromIndex coercing to 2'); st.equal(false, includes(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a', '2'), 'does not find "a" with string fromIndex coercing to 2'); st.equal(true, includes(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c', numberish), 'finds "c" with object fromIndex coercing to 2'); st.equal(true, includes(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c', '2'), 'finds "c" with string fromIndex coercing to 2'); st.end(); }); ft.test('fromIndex greater than length', function (st) { st.equal(false, includes([1], 1, 2), 'array of length 1 is not searched if fromIndex is > 1'); st.equal(false, includes([1], 1, 1), 'array of length 1 is not searched if fromIndex is >= 1'); st.equal(false, includes([1], 1, 1.1), 'array of length 1 is not searched if fromIndex is 1.1'); st.equal(false, includes([1], 1, Infinity), 'array of length 1 is not searched if fromIndex is Infinity'); st.end(); }); ft.test('negative fromIndex', function (st) { st.equal(true, includes([1, 3], 1, -4), 'computed length would be negative; fromIndex is thus 0'); st.equal(true, includes([1, 3], 3, -4), 'computed length would be negative; fromIndex is thus 0'); st.equal(true, includes([1, 3], 1, -Infinity), 'computed length would be negative; fromIndex is thus 0'); st.equal(true, includes([12, 13], 13, -1), 'finds -1st item with -1 fromIndex'); st.equal(false, includes([12, 13], 12, -1), 'does not find -2nd item with -1 fromIndex'); st.equal(true, includes([12, 13], 13, -2), 'finds -2nd item with -2 fromIndex'); st.equal(true, includes(sparseish, 'b', -4), 'finds -4th item with -4 fromIndex'); st.equal(false, includes(sparseish, 'a', -4), 'does not find -5th item with -4 fromIndex'); st.equal(true, includes(sparseish, 'a', -5), 'finds -5th item with -5 fromIndex'); st.end(); }); ft.end(); }); };