forked from zhurui/management
349 lines
7.8 KiB
349 lines
7.8 KiB
'use strict';
var EOL = require('os').EOL,
textElem = require('../../plugins/_collections.js').elemsGroups.textContent.concat('title');
var defaults = {
doctypeStart: '<!DOCTYPE',
doctypeEnd: '>',
procInstStart: '<?',
procInstEnd: '?>',
tagOpenStart: '<',
tagOpenEnd: '>',
tagCloseStart: '</',
tagCloseEnd: '>',
tagShortStart: '<',
tagShortEnd: '/>',
attrStart: '="',
attrEnd: '"',
commentStart: '<!--',
commentEnd: '-->',
cdataStart: '<![CDATA[',
cdataEnd: ']]>',
textStart: '',
textEnd: '',
indent: 4,
regEntities: /[&'"<>]/g,
regValEntities: /[&"<>]/g,
encodeEntity: encodeEntity,
pretty: false,
useShortTags: true
var entities = {
'&': '&',
'\'': ''',
'"': '"',
'>': '>',
'<': '<',
* Convert SVG-as-JS object to SVG (XML) string.
* @param {Object} data input data
* @param {Object} config config
* @return {Object} output data
module.exports = function(data, config) {
return new JS2SVG(config).convert(data);
function JS2SVG(config) {
if (config) {
this.config = Object.assign({}, defaults, config);
} else {
this.config = Object.assign({}, defaults);
var indent = this.config.indent;
if (typeof indent == 'number' && !isNaN(indent)) {
this.config.indent = (indent < 0) ? '\t' : ' '.repeat(indent);
} else if (typeof indent != 'string') {
this.config.indent = ' ';
if (this.config.pretty) {
this.config.doctypeEnd += EOL;
this.config.procInstEnd += EOL;
this.config.commentEnd += EOL;
this.config.cdataEnd += EOL;
this.config.tagShortEnd += EOL;
this.config.tagOpenEnd += EOL;
this.config.tagCloseEnd += EOL;
this.config.textEnd += EOL;
this.indentLevel = 0;
this.textContext = null;
function encodeEntity(char) {
return entities[char];
* Start conversion.
* @param {Object} data input data
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.convert = function(data) {
var svg = '';
if (data.content) {
data.content.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.elem) {
svg += this.createElem(item);
} else if (item.text) {
svg += this.createText(item.text);
} else if (item.doctype) {
svg += this.createDoctype(item.doctype);
} else if (item.processinginstruction) {
svg += this.createProcInst(item.processinginstruction);
} else if (item.comment) {
svg += this.createComment(item.comment);
} else if (item.cdata) {
svg += this.createCDATA(item.cdata);
}, this);
return {
data: svg,
info: {
width: this.width,
height: this.height
* Create indent string in accordance with the current node level.
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createIndent = function() {
var indent = '';
if (this.config.pretty && !this.textContext) {
indent = this.config.indent.repeat(this.indentLevel - 1);
return indent;
* Create doctype tag.
* @param {String} doctype doctype body string
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createDoctype = function(doctype) {
return this.config.doctypeStart +
doctype +
* Create XML Processing Instruction tag.
* @param {Object} instruction instruction object
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createProcInst = function(instruction) {
return this.config.procInstStart +
| +
' ' +
instruction.body +
* Create comment tag.
* @param {String} comment comment body
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createComment = function(comment) {
return this.config.commentStart +
comment +
* Create CDATA section.
* @param {String} cdata CDATA body
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createCDATA = function(cdata) {
return this.createIndent() +
this.config.cdataStart +
cdata +
* Create element tag.
* @param {Object} data element object
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createElem = function(data) {
// beautiful injection for obtaining SVG information :)
if (
data.isElem('svg') &&
data.hasAttr('width') &&
) {
this.width = data.attr('width').value;
this.height = data.attr('height').value;
// empty element and short tag
if (data.isEmpty()) {
if (this.config.useShortTags) {
return this.createIndent() +
this.config.tagShortStart +
data.elem +
this.createAttrs(data) +
} else {
return this.createIndent() +
this.config.tagShortStart +
data.elem +
this.createAttrs(data) +
this.config.tagOpenEnd +
this.config.tagCloseStart +
data.elem +
// non-empty element
} else {
var tagOpenStart = this.config.tagOpenStart,
tagOpenEnd = this.config.tagOpenEnd,
tagCloseStart = this.config.tagCloseStart,
tagCloseEnd = this.config.tagCloseEnd,
openIndent = this.createIndent(),
textIndent = '',
processedData = '',
dataEnd = '';
if (this.textContext) {
tagOpenStart = defaults.tagOpenStart;
tagOpenEnd = defaults.tagOpenEnd;
tagCloseStart = defaults.tagCloseStart;
tagCloseEnd = defaults.tagCloseEnd;
openIndent = '';
} else if (data.isElem(textElem)) {
if (this.config.pretty) {
textIndent += openIndent + this.config.indent;
this.textContext = data;
processedData += this.convert(data).data;
if (this.textContext == data) {
this.textContext = null;
if (this.config.pretty) dataEnd = EOL;
return openIndent +
tagOpenStart +
data.elem +
this.createAttrs(data) +
tagOpenEnd +
textIndent +
processedData +
dataEnd +
this.createIndent() +
tagCloseStart +
data.elem +
* Create element attributes.
* @param {Object} elem attributes object
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createAttrs = function(elem) {
var attrs = '';
elem.eachAttr(function(attr) {
if (attr.value !== undefined) {
attrs += ' ' +
| +
this.config.attrStart +
String(attr.value).replace(this.config.regValEntities, this.config.encodeEntity) +
else {
attrs += ' ' +
}, this);
return attrs;
* Create text node.
* @param {String} text text
* @return {String}
JS2SVG.prototype.createText = function(text) {
return this.createIndent() +
this.config.textStart +
text.replace(this.config.regEntities, this.config.encodeEntity) +
(this.textContext ? '' : this.config.textEnd);