forked from logzhan/ORB-SLAM3-UESTC
136 lines
4.2 KiB
136 lines
4.2 KiB
""" run with: python3 -m sophus.quaternion """
import sophus
import sympy
import sys
import unittest
class Quaternion:
""" Quaternion class """
def __init__(self, real, vec):
""" Quaternion consists of a real scalar, and an imaginary 3-vector """
assert isinstance(vec, sympy.Matrix)
assert vec.shape == (3, 1), vec.shape
self.real = real
self.vec = vec
def __mul__(self, right):
""" quaternion multiplication """
return Quaternion(self[3] * right[3] -,
self[3] * right.vec + right[3] * self.vec +
def __add__(self, right):
""" quaternion multiplication """
return Quaternion(self[3] + right[3], self.vec + right.vec)
def __neg__(self):
return Quaternion(-self[3], -self.vec)
def __truediv__(self, scalar):
""" scalar division """
return Quaternion(self.real / scalar, self.vec / scalar)
def __repr__(self):
return "( " + repr(self[3]) + " + " + repr(self.vec) + "i )"
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" We use the following convention [vec0, vec1, vec2, real] """
assert (key >= 0 and key < 4)
if key == 3:
return self.real
return self.vec[key]
def squared_norm(self):
""" squared norm when considering the quaternion as 4-tuple """
return sophus.squared_norm(self.vec) + self.real**2
def conj(self):
""" quaternion conjugate """
return Quaternion(self.real, -self.vec)
def inv(self):
""" quaternion inverse """
return self.conj() / self.squared_norm()
def identity():
return Quaternion(1, sophus.Vector3(0, 0, 0))
def zero():
return Quaternion(0, sophus.Vector3(0, 0, 0))
def subs(self, x, y):
return Quaternion(self.real.subs(x, y), self.vec.subs(x, y))
def simplify(self):
v = sympy.simplify(self.vec)
return Quaternion(sympy.simplify(self.real),
sophus.Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, other.__class__):
return self.real == other.real and self.vec == other.vec
return False
def Da_a_mul_b(a, b):
""" derivatice of quaternion muliplication wrt left multiplier a """
v0 = b.vec[0]
v1 = b.vec[1]
v2 = b.vec[2]
y = b.real
return sympy.Matrix([[y, v2, -v1, v0],
[-v2, y, v0, v1],
[v1, -v0, y, v2],
[-v0, -v1, -v2, y]])
def Db_a_mul_b(a, b):
""" derivatice of quaternion muliplication wrt right multiplicand b """
u0 = a.vec[0]
u1 = a.vec[1]
u2 = a.vec[2]
x = a.real
return sympy.Matrix([[x, -u2, u1, u0],
[u2, x, -u0, u1],
[-u1, u0, x, u2],
[-u0, -u1, -u2, x]])
class TestQuaternion(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
x, u0, u1, u2 = sympy.symbols('x u0 u1 u2', real=True)
y, v0, v1, v2 = sympy.symbols('y v0 v1 v2', real=True)
u = sophus.Vector3(u0, u1, u2)
v = sophus.Vector3(v0, v1, v2)
self.a = Quaternion(x, u)
self.b = Quaternion(y, v)
def test_muliplications(self):
product = self.a * self.a.inv()
product = self.a.inv() * self.a
def test_derivatives(self):
d = sympy.Matrix(4, 4, lambda r, c: sympy.diff(
(self.a * self.b)[r], self.a[c]))
Quaternion.Da_a_mul_b(self.a, self.b))
d = sympy.Matrix(4, 4, lambda r, c: sympy.diff(
(self.a * self.b)[r], self.b[c]))
Quaternion.Db_a_mul_b(self.a, self.b))
if __name__ == '__main__':