YDLIDAR ROS PACKAGE V1.2.1 ===================================================================== ROS node and test application for YDLIDAR Visit EAI Website for more details about YDLIDAR. How to build YDLIDAR ros package ===================================================================== 1) Clone this project to your catkin's workspace src folder 2) Running catkin_make to build ydlidar_node and ydlidar_client 3) Create the name "/dev/ydlidar" for YDLIDAR --$ roscd ydlidar/startup --$ sudo chmod 777 ./* --$ sudo sh initenv.sh How to run YDLIDAR ros package ===================================================================== There're two ways to run YDLIDAR ros package 1. Run YDLIDAR node and view in the rviz ------------------------------------------------------------ roslaunch ydlidar lidar_view.launch You should see YDLIDAR's scan result in the rviz. 2. Run YDLIDAR node and view using test application ------------------------------------------------------------ roslaunch ydlidar lidar.launch rosrun ydlidar ydlidar_client You should see YDLIDAR's scan result in the console 雷达驱动升级日志 ===================================================================== 2017-11-30 version:1.1.2 新增 1.增加对现有所有EAI雷达支持 2.增加Linux下非标准波特率的支持 3.增加串口异常检测 改进 1.修复雷达数据不稳定 2.修复雷达没有数据 2017-12-16 version:1.2.0 1.SDK统一平台