# Event PubSub npm info :    GitHub info :    ***Super light and fast*** Extensible PubSub events and EventEmitters for Node and the browser with support for ES6 by default, and ES5 versions for older verions of node and older IE/Safari versions. For older versions of node and io.js the latest versions of `event-pubsub` may work with the --harmony flag. Officially though, we support node v4 and newer with es5 and es6 Easy for any developer level. No frills, just high speed events following the publisher subscriber pattern! [Pretty GitHub.io site](http://riaevangelist.github.io/event-pubsub/) [See NPM stats for event-pubsub](http://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=event-pubsub&author=&from=&to=) **EXAMPLE FILES** 1. [Node Event PubSub Examples](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/event-pubsub/tree/master/examples/node) 2. [Browser Event PubSub Examples](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/event-pubsub/tree/master/examples/browser) **Node Install** `npm i --save event-pubsub` By default the correct version (ES5/ES6) will be included. You can force the es5/6 version by requiring `event-pubsub/es5` or `event-pubsub/es6`. **Browser Install** *see browser examples above or below* ```html ``` # Methods |Method|Arguments|Description| |------|---------|-----------| |subscribe|type (string), handler(function), once (bool/optional)|will bind the `handler` function to the the `type` event. Just like `addEventListener` in the browser. If once is set to true the hander will be removed after being called once.| |on|same as above|same as above| |once|type (string), handler(function)| will bind the `handler` function to the the `type` event and unbind it after ***one*** execution. Just like `addEventListener` in the browser withe the `once` option set| |unSubscribe|type (string), handler(function or *)|will ***un***bind the `handler` function from the the `type` event. If the `handler` is `*`, all handlers for the event type will be removed. Just like `removeEventListener` in the browser, but also can remove all event handlers for the type.| |off|same as above|same as above| |publish|type (string), ...data arguments|will call all `handler` functions bound to the event `type` and pass all `...data arguments` to those handlers| |emit|same as above|same as above| |trigger|same as above|same as above| While `publish`, `subscribe`, and `unSubscribe` are the proper method names for the publisher/subscriber model, we have included `on`, `off`, and `emit` as well because these are the most common event method names, and shorter. We have also kept the `trigger` method as an alias for `publish` and `emit` for backwards compatability with earlier versions of `event-pubsub`. # The ` * ` type The ` * ` type is a special event type that will be triggered by ***any publish or emit*** the handlers for these should expect the first argument to be the type and all arguments after to be data arguments. ## Basic Examples ***NOTE - the only difference between node and browser code is how the `events` variable is created*** * node ` const events = new Events ` * browser `const events = new window.EventPubSub;` #### Node ```javascript // ES5/ES6 now automatically chosen based on node version const Events = new require('event-pubsub'); const events=new Events; events.on( 'hello', function(data){ console.log('hello event recieved ', data); events.emit( 'world', { type:'myObject', data:{ x:'YAY, Objects!' } } ) } ); events.on( 'world', function(data){ console.log('World event got',data); events.off('*','*'); console.log('Removed all events'); } ); events.emit( 'hello', 'world' ); ``` #### Basic Chaining ```javascript events.on( 'hello', someFunction ).on( 'goodbye', anotherFunction ).emit( 'hello', 'world' ); events.emit( 'goodbye', 'complexity' ).off( 'hello', '*' ); ``` #### Browser ##### HTML ```html